Most people have experienced inflammation of the skin or dermatitis.
Contact dermatitis is the result of direct contact with allergens (other things that cause skin allergies).
usually reddish skin, swelling, blisters, itching appears extreme in the area of skin.
There are two types of contact dermatitis, the allergic and irritant.
allergic contact dermatitis is usually about people who are sensitive to everyday substances. Common causes of dermatitis are nickel (usually affects women). These substances are applied on metal or attached to the skin, such as costume jewelry, and more. Several other types of allergens are rubber, creams, ointments, and others.
Irritant contact dermatitis caused by direct chemical effect of certain substances on the skin. The severity of dermatitis depends on how long the substance is in contact with skin, concentration levels of substances, and skin vulnerability.
The cause of allergic contact dermatitis may be more extensive that pengidentifikasiannya also more difficult. Contact dermatitis treatment usually involves application of ointments, creams corticosteroids (for a limited time) and antibiotics for secondary infections.
Try to find the cause. If possible cease contact with the substance causes. Finding the cause is more easily done on irritant contact dermatitis, due to skin problems which arise are limited to the area actually in contact with these irritants.
Atopic dermatitis or eczema affects many people, especially children. The main symptoms are reddish skin, swelling, itching, and scaly skin. Eczema usually occurs on areas of skin folds, such as the knees, the front of the elbows, behind the ears.
In some cases, eczema is a kind of allergic reaction, and often occur in those who suffer from asthma. Eczema can also occur in some people in the family 1. The main triggers diverse as:
1.Iritasi products
2.Perubahan temperatures are too extreme