Ginger kills cancer

Ginger kills cancer

| September 28, 2012
New study reveals that ginger powder induces death in cancer cells.

Being stricken with cancer is everybody’s worse nightmare but a recent study conducted at the University of Michigan’s Comprehensive Cancer Center has found that ginger powder induces death in cancer cells

Kills cancer cells
This was especially so in all ovarian cancer cells to which ginger powder was applied. While still requiring more extensive research before coming anywhere close to being accepted by the medical community, it is a ray of hope that the treatment of cancer doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to chemotherapy and radiation alone.

Another piece of promising news is that ginger is effective in slowing the growth of colorectal cancer cells. This study was conducted at the University of Minnesota and offers a much kinder, natural alternative in the treatment of cancer.

Besides these breakthroughs in cancer research, ginger has for long been beneficial as a remedy for a wide spectrum of ailments. Here are a few that you may already have heard of.

Lowers stress levels
The next time you are sick to your stomach with worry, have a ginger drink. Gingerol, the potent antioxidant in ginger also helps cleanse the harmful chemicals that build-up in our bodies when we’re stressed. Some studies also suggest that just a whiff of ginger uplifts your mood too. A wonderful way to de-stress would be to chop up some ginger and drop it into hot water with a slice of lemon. Or have it the traditional Malaysian way – teh halia kurang manis!

Aids digestion
Dietician Alice Mackintosh told the Daily Mail, “Ginger helps stimulate the taste buds, triggering digestive secretions.” This knobby root deftly improves the absorption and assimilation of nutrients in our bodies, easing any form of stomach discomfort in the process. Incidentally ginger also helps impede motion sickness, beat heartburn and reduce flatulence too. The best way to enjoy it is by mixing a teaspoon of ginger juice with lime juice in water. Bring to a boil then mix with a bit of honey. Yum!

Eases inflammation
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or joint inflammation due to injury, a good natural remedy would be ginger. Chew on some or grate some into your drink to relieve pain and discomfort. If it’s your throat that’s inflamed, a warm ginger drink with honey three times daily will soothe your throat and boost your immune system, possibly preventing a relapse.

Effective painkiller
Got a headache? Instead of popping a pill, try applying some ginger juice on your forehead instead. If it’s a toothache that’s ruining your day, some ginger juice on your cheek or jaw area is claimed to soothe the pain.

Aphrodisiac effect
Some quarters believe that ginger has a stimulant effect that makes it an effective anti-impotence drug. While some suggest adding ginger juice to hot tea with a little raw honey, others say a teaspoon of ginger juice in a half-boiled egg with a spoon of honey taken on an empty stomach every night for a month does the trick. Any brave men out there to prove this right? Beats relying on that blue pill every time!

Does your school stock Epi Pens?

This is my Epi Pen, it goes EVERYWHERE with me, since I am allergic to seafood. Son #2 is allergic to tree nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts, etc.) NOT to be confused with peanuts-since a peanut isn't a nut, but a "legume."

What if your child suddenly has a reaction to food at school? For the first time? It was a surprise to us when Son #2 had a reaction to tree nuts. We were shocked! Would your school have an Epi Pen on hand to treat your child? Many schools do not.

 Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA)  has an article in their latest magazine, Allergy & Asthma Today, that says less than half of schools stocked epinephrine for general use.  Yikes. 

In their article entitled, "ACE (Anaphylaxis Community Experts) Team Spotlight:Sharing the Know-How. Anaphylaxis can kill someone in less 30 minutes.  To read more about the article, click here.

What is anaphylaxis? It's an allergic reaction that can be very mild or severe enough to kill you. To learn more from AANMA and American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (ACAAI)  click here.

It might be interesting to find out if your school stocks an Epi Pen for emergency use. We are lucky in our county because ALL of our public schools (3 school districts) stock Epi Pens. Every school gets a new prescription for Epi Pens every year and the school nurses train their staff how to use them. You never know if you need to use one. Many people have the "it won't happen to me syndrome" but it did happen to us. Son #1 went into anaphylaxis shock, and I never want to see that again-as long as I live. I will never forget it. 

It's also the law in every state (except New York) that students can carry their Epi Pens and asthma inhalers with them at all times IF the parents and doctor fill out a form. If you have a reaction, you have only a few minutes to treat it. You don't want the Epi Pen locked up in the front office. Check with your state health department to see what form you have to fill out. (Many of the schools don't know about the law, so it may not help to ask them.) We fill out a new form every year, it allows our kids to carry their asthma inhaler and Epi Pens with them.

Better safe than sorry.

The dark side of juicing

The dark side of juicing

Ruby Foster
| September 25, 2012
You could be doing yourself a disservice by drinking too many fruit and vegetable juices.

With juice bars being all the rage now, it’s almost a slap on the face to hear that fruit and vegetable juices aren’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

After all, not too long ago, proponents of juicing said drinking instead of eating your fruits and vegetables increased nutrient absorption, helped rid the body of toxins, boosted the immune system, aided digestion and yes, helped in weight loss too.

Yet, experts today remind us there is no real scientific evidence to back these claims. In fact, you could be doing yourself a disservice by drinking too many fruit and vegetable juices.

Precious nutrients dumpedA lot of a fruit’s nutrient content is embedded in its skin. With juicing, pulp and skin is discarded and all that you do consume is the juice itself. If you ate an apple, pear, strawberry or fig, you’d most likely eat its skin too. In an orange, the albedo or ‘white skin’ is loaded with phytonutrients that we don’t consume if the orange is juiced instead. The same applies to vegetables like cucumbers and carrots that have high concentrations of nutrients is its skin. If you think about it, the nutrient loss from juicing is almost a crime.

Dangerous blood sugar spikes
The very process of juicing separates all-important fibre from a fruit or vegetable. Why is this dangerous? Fibre slows the digestion process and without it, you will experience a spike in your blood sugar levels after you’ve had a juice. This is not healthy in any sense of the word no matter how many nutrients are more easily absorbed into your system. Because of the blood sugar spikes, juices are especially dangerous for diabetics and others with blood glucose disorders.

Nutrient overloadWhile we’re on the subject of nutrients, it must be pointed out that getting too many nutrients is just as detrimental to your health as getting too little. Considering our bodies have a limited capacity for nutrients, having too much turns toxic instead resulting in aches and pains. What’s more excess nutrients that your body does not need, is stored in your fat cells. Honestly, do we really need to feed these cells any more than we’re doing already?

Possibility of weight gainSpeaking of fat cells, juices are mostly devoid of fibre but packed with calories. Experts say fibre is important because it gives you the feeling of being full, thereby discouraging you from overeating. If you are a juice freak, you may actually find you are gaining weight because your system does not register that you are full, making you turn to food instead. All that means is more calories than your body needs.

Digestive distress
Fruits like prunes, pears, sweet cherries, peaches and apples contain sorbitol that when juiced into a more concentrated form, result in stomach discomfort. According to the Baylor College of Medicine the consumption of these fruit juices can cause gas, stomach cramping and diarrhoea in some individuals, with children being the biggest victims.

A case of carotenemiaIf you’re sporting a tan that is a tinge too yellow or orange, you’re probably overdosing on carrot juice. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices high in beta carotene may lead to this condition called carotenemia, caused by high carotene levels in the blood. Check the palms of your hands and soles of your feet – if its too orange, stop the carrots.

Lack of hygieneJuices are made with raw fruits and vegetables, leaving the door open for disease-causing microorganisms that can lead to food-borne illness. We’re talking serious pathogens responsible for cyclosporiasis, E. coli, hepatitis, salmonellosis and bacillary dysentery. So beware especially when drinking juices from a juice bar.

At the end of the day, it is best to do things in moderation. An occasional fruit and vegetable juice is great for health. It’s when we become too ambitious in our quest for health that we ironically run into problems despite our good intentions.

Cavity Germs (plaque) Finder

Cavity Germs (plaque) Finder.

Sally, if you were a tasty bug and you were hiding in the grass so a bird would not find you and eat you, what color would you like to be?

Sally: "Green!"

Exactly! So if you are a cavity causing germ hiding on a tooth, what color would you be?

Sally: "White?"

Right again!  That makes them invisible on your teeth. So when you brush your teeth, how do you know if you got them clean?

Sally, "Hmmm. I don't know. I can't see the germs."

Well that is a problem, isn't it?  When we brush our teeth we want to know we got all the germ hiding spots clean. If we could color the germs so we can see them, that would help, right?

Sally, "Of course!  That is why you use the pink stuff on my teeth at checkups."

Correct.  At every checkup we want to help you see the places you are brushing well and the places your brush is missing. The pink "disclosing" stuff shows the germs for us. Did you know you can do this at home with your kitchen food colors?

After you finish a "regular" tooth brushing, use a Q-Tip to paint the red food color over all your teeth. Then lick it all over. Then rinse real well with water and take a look. The clean areas on your teeth will rinse clean and leave the sticky germ "plaque" colored red and pink. Now you can teach yourself how to get those areas clean with your tooth brush. Do that once a week about 4 weeks and you will teach yourself how to be an excellent tooth brusher.

For a really gross look, use the green or blue food color!

Sally's mother, "Why doesn't my dentist do this at every checkup for me? They talk about brushing better, but they have never shown me how to teach myself at home."

Good question!

Want to learn more tips, click

What if..........

(Shutterstock image)

What if Hubby and I go an anniversary trip and one of the kids get sick while we're gone? My kids are much older than this cute little toddler in the photo. But it seems like they were a lot sicker a lot more often when they were little. In fact, it's been 4 years since Kitty or Son #2 have been hospitalized for asthma! Knock on wood.....

Even so, Hubby and I are planning a trip and there's a lot to consider when you have kids with chronic health problems. Did I refill all their prescriptions before I go? Inhalers? Check. Singulair? Check. Zyrtec? Check. Asmanex? Check. Symbicort? Check.

Are there vials of Albuterol for the nebulizer? Check.

Call the doctor's office. Check. I had to call the doctor's office today to see what I need to do to make sure the kids can come in for an office visit if they get sick while Hubby and I are gone. (With our luck, something will happen while we're gone.) Our close family friend is helping out with our kids while we're gone. My doctor's office said as long as we type up a letter with the kid's name and birth dates, and list the name of our close family friend and state that we give her permission to take the kids in to the doctor for treatment, we are good. Phew. That's a lot of work.

But you never know what might happen. We typed up a letter like that the last time Hubby and I went out of town.....just in case.....and ended up using it. While we were gone, Son #2 got sick, was having problems with his asthma, and then his lung partially collapsed. So Hubby and I were on the phone from 3,000 miles away, talking to the doctor and hospital. That made for a great vacation!

In fact, that's why Hubby and I haven't gone away together for the last 5 years. You can't relax on your anniversary if you're worried about sick kids. We decided that the kids are older now (teenagers) and their asthma seems to be stable. Hopefully all goes well on this trip.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!!    

Three studies link obesity to sweet drinks

Three studies link obesity to sweet drinks

WASHINGTON - Three new studies published in the United States this weekend reaffirm a link between sweet soda and fruit drinks to an epidemic of obesity that is sweeping the United States.

Consumption of these drinks has more than doubled since the 1970s, and the rate of obesity among Americans during the same period reached 30 per cent of the adult population, said the authors of a study published online by the New England Journal of Medicine.

The first study, which involved more than 33,000 American men and women, showed that drinking sugary drinks was affecting genes that regulate weight and increased the genetic predisposition of a person to gain weight.

The researchers used 32 variations of genes known to affect the weight to establish a genetic profile of the participants. They also determined the participants' eating habits, their consumption of sweetened beverages and exercise practices.

The other two studies showed that giving to children and adolescents calorie-free drinks like mineral water or soft drinks sweetened with artificial sweeteners resulted in weight loss.

The first was conducted at Children's Hospital Boston, which examined 224 overweight adolescents who were encouraged to consume water or light sodas for a year.

These teens gained only 0.68 kilograms of weight during this period compared to 1.5 kilograms in another group that consumed sugary drinks.

Yet another study was conducted by researchers at the VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and involved 641 children aged 4 to 11. Half of the group drank sweet and fruity drinks while the other half the same drinks with sugarless sweeteners.

After 18 months, children who consumed the low-calorie drinks gained 6.39 kilograms on average compared to 7.36 kilograms in the group that drank sugary fruit drinks.

"Taken together, these three studies suggest that calories from sugar-sweetened beverages do matter," said Doctor Sonia Caprio of Yale University writing in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"These randomized, controlled studies ... provide a strong impetus to develop recommendations and policy decisions to limit consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, especially those served at low cost and in excessive portions, to attempt to reverse the increase in childhood obesity," she added.


Why do I have a package of straws on my blog? It's something I use to let people see what it feels like to have asthma. This is for all of you who think it's "just" asthma-no big deal, right? People should just use their inhaler and everything's better, right? You can try this at home if you DON'T have asthma.

  • Run in place for 30 seconds (or climb a flight of stairs)
  • Stop
  • Plug your nose
  • Put the straw in your mouth and try to breath through it
  • Take the straw out after 30 seconds

How do you feel? Can you get all the air that you would like to? Is it hard to breathe? How do you feel emotionally? Are you panicking a little?

This is what it feels like to have asthma. EXCEPT you can take your straw out of your mouth and breathe normally. If you have asthma, you can't. You have to use an inhaler or nebulizer and try to keep yourself calm until the medicine kicks in.

Having an asthma attack is scary. No matter how many times it happens, it's still scary. It doesn't just affect your lungs, it really affects your brain. (You're not getting the oxygen you should, so that means not enough oxygen is getting to your brain.) I know that I can't think well for a while after I've had to use my inhaler. It seems like simple things (like driving) become hard. Using the computer is hard. Answering questions or talking to people is hard. The brain needs a little time to catch up. Plus you are shaking from using your inhaler and you're still coughing from the attack.

So, the next time those of you who don't have asthma think, "what's the big deal? use your inhaler and let's get going!" Remember the little straw experiment and how you felt. It's a real eye opener to see how those of us with asthma live.

Welcome to my world. 

5 foods to help you look your best

5 foods to help you look your best

September 21, 2012
Top 5 facelift foods.

From ageing to pollution and stress to fatigue, the effects of our lifestyles can display themselves on our faces before we even start to feel them. Luckily, there is no need to opt for surgery just yet. Here are our top five foods for a natural facelift.

SpinachSpinach, like many other dark green leafy vegetables, is rich in an antioxidant called lutein. Not only is this great for healthy eyes, but more recent research has shown that it is also good for preventing wrinkles by helping to retain the skin’s moisture and elasticity, increasing lipid levels and preventing damage caused by free radicals.

The benefits of spinach do not stop there, however, as the leafy vegetable also has the power to reduce dark circles under the eyes due to its high levels of vitamins K and C. Although there are many reasons behind dark circles – such as tiredness and heredity – one of the roots can be poor circulation. In cases where this is a problem, increasing your intake of vitamins K and C can alleviate them by helping to boost circulation and strengthening capillary walls.

OystersBesides being a well known aphrodisiac, oysters can also enhance your beauty. If you are suffering from pale, sallow skin or dark circles under your eyes, this may be due to vitamin B12 or iron deficiencies, both of which can cause anaemia. To beat pasty skin, try boosting your intake of these essential nutrients by stocking up on oysters, which have high levels of both. Other good sources include clams and mussels.

GarlicIt may not be the most fragrant of foods, but garlic is a superfood that can have great skin benefits. As a natural antibiotic with blood cleansing, immune boosting, antibacterial properties, garlic is an effective, cheap and healthy way to help treat acne naturally. While there are many reasons people suffer from spots, garlic – particularly when eaten raw and crushed – can help reduce future breakouts, while its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the swelling and inflammation of acne.

AvocadosAvocados often get a bad press due to their high levels of fats, however the healthy fats contained in an avocado can actually do wonders for your skin. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, avocados can help to moisturise your skin from the inside and increase collagen production, helping to prevent wrinkles. The anti-inflammatory properties of avocado are also good for helping to reduce acne and psoriasis, while the high levels of vitamin E will help to keep your skin supple and prevent premature ageing.

BananasMany people know that fluid retention is the primary cause of belly bloating, but it can also be responsible for a puffy face and bags under the eyes. Fortunately, fluid retention can be treated through the diet by redressing the body’s sodium/potassium balance. As these two minerals work against each other to balance water in the body, too little potassium – or too much salt – is one of the most common causes of water retention. Redress this by increasing your intake of potassium through foods such as bananas. Other potassium rich foods include strawberries, melon and papaya; making a fresh fruit salad a great choice for a supple, youthful face.

Tasty chicken nuggets

Tasty chicken nuggets

SOMEHOW, there is something about chicken nuggets that makes them so appealing to children, and even some adults like me.

It must be the combination of the crisp batter that coats the boneless tender, juicy fillet, and the ease of eating those bite-size pieces.

And if a dip comes along with it, it adds a little zing to your tastebuds and brings about a spring in your step, or should I say in your hands, as you grab-dip-pop, instead of just grabbing them and popping them into your mouth.

Chicken nuggets are tasty and filling snacks, or if paired with other servings, they can be part of a simple meal.

However, they need to be deep-fried and while I enjoy deep-fried food occasionally, I simply loathe having to cook such dishes all on my own.

Deep-frying requires a lot of oil to be used and once the cooking is over, it leaves the kitchen and utensils oily.

And it feels like such a waste to throw away the remaining oil in the kuali since it is unhealthy to recycle it for another round of cooking.

This recipe is a good and healthy alternative, and many cookbooks and online recipe sites also provide variations of chicken nuggets using different ingredients, seasonings and dips.

Instead of deep-frying the chicken, we oven-bake them so relatively little oil is used.

And instead of batter, we coat the chicken pieces with sliced almonds to give them the ‘crunch’.

Almonds are known to be rich in vitamin E, B complex, minerals, dietary fibre and mono-unsaturated fatty acids that help lower bad cholesterol and enhance good cholesterol.

Almond Crusted Chicken Nuggets with Lemon Sauce
300g chicken breast, deboned
1 egg
1/3 cup flour
1 cup almond flakes
½ tsp salt
3 tbsp butter, melted
Juice from half a lemon
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cornstarch, dissolved in 2 tbs water

Chicken nuggets
1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Line an oven-proof pan with greased baking paper.
2. Cut chicken breast into approximately 8cmx4cm pieces and marinate with salt and a few dashes of pepper.
3. Beat the egg in a bowl, place flour and almond flakes in individual plates.
4. Dip a piece of the marinated chicken into the flour, shake off excess.
5. Then, dip it into the egg before rolling it in the almond flakes. Place onto pan that has been lined with greased baking paper. Repeat this for all chicken pieces.
6. Baste the chicken pieces with melted butter.
7. Place the pan at the lower section of oven and bake for 15 minutes, until the chicken is cooked and almond flakes are lightly brown.
8. Remove from oven and transfer the chicken pieces to a serving dish.

Lemon sauce
1. Mix lemon juice and sugar into the remaining melted butter, lightly heat until sugar dissolves.
2. Pour cornstarch solution into lemon sauce. Stir until the sauce thickens.
3. Remove sauce from heat.

To serveArrange nuggets on a serving dish. Pour lemon sauce into a small bowl for dipping and serve alongside the nuggets. Alternatively, you can pour the sauce over the nuggets if you like.

Wholesome ginger chicken

Wholesome ginger chicken

OYSTER sauce chicken with ginger and spring onions is a dish served in most Chinese restaurants. I find it a very flavourful dish when eaten hot with some rice and it is a good way to fill a hungry tummy after a long day at work.

Although it contains ginger, the amount used is just enough to provide the aroma and flavour. It does not make the dish too spicy for children.

The slightly thick brownish gravy adds a certain comforting smoothness to your mouthful of rice too if you like mixing some gravy or sauce into your rice.

You may use chopped chicken pieces or boneless fillet if it is more convenient, especially if you have young children.

You may also substitute the chicken with beef or fish fillet. You only need to reduce the cooking time a little as beef and fish tend to become tough if overcooked.

Oyster sauce is a common ingredient used in Chinese and other types of Asian cooking. It is made by condensing oyster extract which is reduced to a thick, viscous solution that has been caramelised to become brown in colour.

Many oyster sauce manufacturers add additives such as monosodium glutamate, cornstarch, oyster flavouring, salt, caramel and preservatives to the sauce as using pure oyster extract alone can be an expensive affair.

If you or your family members have allergies or are averse to consuming food with artificial additives, you can consider using organic, or vegetarian oyster sauce that is made from mushrooms.

Meanwhile, some sauce manufacturers have also diversified into producing abalone sauce. It is possible to use abalone sauce instead of oyster sauce for a change since abalones, like oysters, are also shellfish, and provide a similar type of flavour.

However, I find abalone sauce lighter in flavour and colour.

Chicken with Ginger and Spring Onions
Ingredients (serves 2)
300g chicken (cut into pieces)
30g ginger, sliced (you may use more if you want a stronger flavour of ginger)
10 stalks spring onion (from two bulbs, cut to 2.5cm in length)
1 tbsp chopped garlic
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp cooking oil
2 tsp cornflour (dissolved in a little water)
150ml water
Thick soya sauce
Salt (optional)

1. Heat cooking oil in a wok or frying pan. When hot, sauté garlic and ginger till fragrant.
2. Add in chicken pieces, tossing them in the wok till lightly brown.
3. Add in water and oyster sauce. Bring to boil.
4. Cover the wok and simmer for 10 minutes until chicken is cooked and tender. Turn the chicken pieces every now and then to ensure they are evenly cooked.

5. Add three drops of thick soya sauce to darken the gravy slightly.
6. Pour in the cornflour solution. Stir and leave to simmer for two minutes until gravy thickens.
7. Add salt according to your taste, if needed.
8. Add the spring onions, give a quick toss, dish out and serve.

Chicken soup for health

Chicken soup for health

A CLEAR soup with a mixture of vegetables, chicken and pasta is easy to make if you’re looking for a healthy and filling non-fat meal.

If you’re pressed for time, this one-pot meal can be whipped up without too much hassle. It is also suitable for young and old, and those in need of a warm, soupy meal while recovering from a short spell of illness.

You could replace the macaroni with other types of pasta or rice noodles. All you need is some chicken stock made from boiling and simmering a few chicken carcasses, which could be prepared ahead and conveniently frozen to be used later when needed.

Vegetables such as celery, carrot and onion are always good to use in soups to sweeten and make it more flavourful. Their varied colours not only make this dish look appealing, especially to those with poor appetite, but also provide the different vitamins, minerals and fibre needed by our bodies.

For young children, you could cut the carrots into interesting shapes such as stars, hearts, triangles, and use animal-shaped or alphabet pasta to encourage them to eat.
And they get to learn about shapes, letters and animals along the way too!

Chicken Macaroni Soup
1 onion, chopped
3 stalks celery, diced
1 carrot, diced
300g chicken breast, diced
1 litre chicken stock
1 cup macaroni

1. Marinate the chicken with ½tsp salt and a dash of pepper. Set aside.
2. Cook the macaroni in a pot of boiling water according to packet instructions. Set aside.
3. Bring the chicken stock to a boil. Add the chopped onions, carrot, celery and chicken.
4. Stir to prevent the chicken pieces from sticking together. Cook until the vegetables are soft (about 15 minutes).
5. Add salt to taste.
6. To serve, fill a bowl with some macaroni and pour soup with the ingredients into the bowl. Add a dash of pepper if you like. Stir to mix all the ingredients together.

So much for soccer season

Well, soccer season is over this week and I think daughter Kitty has missed more games and practices than she's played in. Thanks to wildfires burning non stop somewhere in our state, we have had to stay inside. The latest fire is in another state, about 300 miles away. But the winds changed direction and blew the smoke from their fire into our state.

I checked the Division of Air Quality website, and today is listed as

Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups - The following groups should reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion:
  • People with lung disease, such as asthma.
  • Children and older adults
  • People who are active outdoors

 Last night, there was a story on our local TV station about people with asthma ending up in the hospital because of the air quality was making it very difficult for them to breathe. (By the way, did you know that asthma kills 9 people in the US every day?)

Woah! It's been 4 years since one of my kids has been in the hospital due to asthma (a record for our family) and I would like to keep it that way. We had 12 separate hospitalizations due to asthma. In fact it feels like we paid for part of the pediatric wing of our regional hospital.....

So, we are doing all we can to avoid another hospital visit. Today I had to send a letter to Kitty's gym teacher to allow her to stay inside and exercise on the stationary bike while the other kids go outside. Kitty also had to miss last night's soccer practice due to the smoke and will miss tonight's game. And if things aren't cleared up by Saturday, she'll have to miss the last game of her season.

That's the most frustrating thing about having asthma. Other people can carry on with their lives and don't have to think twice about air quality or being around someone who is sick. If you have asthma, you know how your lungs over-react to things that don't bother other people. I call it the "drama queen" effect. It's a physical reaction our bodies have to irritants, allergens and illness.

There's nothing we can do about the smoke other than stay inside, but here's another plea to those of you who come to work, school, etc while you are sick. To you it is a cold, to us it's pneumonia and another expensive hospitalization. You'll never understand what it feels like to not be able to breathe. Take my word for it, it's one of the scariest things you'll ever experience. (Try jogging in place for 30 seconds, then plug your nose and try breathing through a straw. That's what it feels like for us who have asthma to try and breathe. If you don't have asthma, you can take the straw out of your mouth and breathe normally. I can't. I have to wait for the swelling to go down in my lungs. That can take a LONG time.) You can help by staying home if you are sick and not spreading your germs to those of us who can very easily end up in the hospital (again!) Please help us stay healthy!

Now about he smoke.....well nothing I can do about that. Except spend another day inside. And hope for rain!

Premature ejaculation can be cured

Premature ejaculation can be cured

Tuesday, Sep 18, 2012
The Star/ANN
By Dr Christopher Ho Chee Kong
Ejaculating too early causes sexual, reproductive, relationship and mood problems.
A commonly misunderstood condition which frustrates men is premature ejaculation (PE).
What is PE? It is the act of ejaculating before a man or his partner would like to.
Epidemiological studies have shown that this disease afflicts men of all nations equally. It is also a disease that affects men across all ages.
About a third of men often complain of this problem, but the actual figure is about 1-3 per cent. PE has long been a condition that has been under-reported and under-diagnosed, mainly because of the embarrassment faced by sufferers, who have to put up with the social stigma related to the condition.
The Asia-Pacific Premature Ejaculation Prevalence and Attitude Study carried out among more than 5,000 heterosexual men found that most men are reluctant to talk about it, while the majority of couples do not completely understand the condition.
The International Society of Sexual Medicine defines PE as ejaculating within one minute of vaginal penetration, associated with the inability to delay ejaculation, and causing a negative impact on the man.
Why one minute? Studies have shown that the average time to achieve ejaculation in a man is about five minutes. Among men who complained of premature ejaculation, 90 per cent stated it was less than a minute.
So how do doctors diagnose this problem? By getting a good history. If a man is distressed because he ejaculates early (about a minute) and he has no control over it, he would probably need treatment.
There is a questionnaire called the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) that may aid in the diagnosis. Other than that, there is no special equipment or test that can be used to diagnose this problem.
Previously, PE was thought to be a psychological disorder. We now know this is not entirely true. It has been shown to have a neuro-biological cause as well (organic).
Certain neuro-transmitters (biochemical substances that transmit impulses across nerves) like serotonin are involved in the process of ejaculation. Ejaculation is a complex process involving the interplay of many factors that are not completely understood.
PE may occur in a man who has had normal ejaculation before. This is known as acquired PE. In this situation, it may be due to a psychological problem rather than an organic cause.
On the other hand, if a man has never had normal ejaculation before, he probably has a neuro-biological cause for it. This is also known as lifelong PE.
Hyperthyroidism (a disease where the thyroid hormones are elevated) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) may also cause premature ejaculation.
Treating PE should not focus solely on prolonging the ejaculation time. It is important that proper attention is given to the emotional and relationship factors as well. PE may be treated by sex therapy, medication, or a combination of both.
Sex therapy
This involves education about ejaculation, an exploration of how the affected man's PE experience compares with that of most other men, and a programme of exercises (this includes the "stop-start" and "sensate focus" technique) designed to help him increase his ejaculatory control and enjoyment of sexual intimacy.
It is usually carried out by a trained psychologist or psychiatrist.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) - These drugs manipulate the serotonin pathway, and in a way, increase the threshold of sexual climax and ejaculation.
The conventional SSRIs like paroxetine and sertraline are traditionally used to treat depression, but have been found to be effective for PE. The only problem is the associated side effects like drowsiness, constipation and nausea.
Moreover, conventional SSRIs need to be taken for at least two weeks before the beneficial effects could be seen. Stopping the conventional SSRIs also need to be done gradually over a few days.
To overcome all these problems, a new SSRI drug is currently available in the market. It is known as dapoxetine. It is a short-acting drug that can be taken on-demand.
In other words, dapoxetine can be taken only when it is needed (ie one to two hours before sex). Side effects of dapoxetine are also uncommon. It has been proven in studies to be effective in increasing ejaculatory time as well as satisfaction of the couple involved.
Topical anaesthetics - Lidocaine and prilocaine cream can be used to reduce the sensitivity and sensation of the penis. It has been proven to be effective, but the problem is it may cause total numbness of the penis. This will diminish the pleasure derived from sex.
In addition to that, the cream may be transferred to the partner and cause numbness to the partner as well.
Tramadol - Studies have also proven the effectiveness of tramadol to delay ejaculation.
Tramadol is a drug that is usually used to reduce pain. How it works in delaying ejaculation is not completely understood.
However, the drawbacks are side effects like nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.
It is also important to look out for concommitant erectile dysfunction (inability to maintain satisfactory erection of the penis for penetration) as treatment of erectile dysfunction with phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (like sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil) may overcome the problem of premature ejaculation as well.
PE is a man's disease, but it affects both the man and his partner. Treatment is available and the combination of both medication as well as psychological sexual therapy may help.
Consultation with a urologist or psychiatrist would be needed.

Gynaes alarmed by genital plastic surgery trend‎

Gynaes alarmed by genital plastic surgery trend

Saturday, Sep 15, 2012
By Deena Beasley
LOS ANGELES - Trained as a gynecologist and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. John Miklos calls himself a "medical tailor," specialising in surgery to reshape a woman's private parts.
The Atlanta surgeon, who has performed gynecological surgery for nearly 20 years, cites cases of patients who say their sexual response improved after vaginoplasty, a procedure to surgically tighten a vagina stretched by childbirth or aging.
"Women come to me and say they don't have the urge to have sex anymore because they don't feel anything," Miklos said. "I guarantee that if a man didn't feel anything, he wouldn't have sex either."
Female genital cosmetic surgery is a small segment of the US plastic surgery market, but it is growing, with thousands of women estimated to undergo such procedures every year.
That growth comes despite a warning from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), in a 2007 notice to member physicians, that strongly questioned the medical validity and safety of female genital cosmetic surgery.
Earlier this year the group debated the trend at its annual meeting in San Diego.
"None of these procedures have proven effectiveness, and there is potential for harm," Dr. Cheryl Iglesia, a Washington, D.C., gynecologist and former ACOG committee member, wrote in an editorial published in the June issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Smoking, drinking tied to earlier pancreatic cancer: Study

Smoking, drinking tied to earlier pancreatic cancer: Study

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2012
People who smoke or drink heavily may develop pancreatic cancer at an earlier age than those who avoid those habits, according to a US study, but quitting both appears to help.
It's long been known that smoking is a risk factor for developing pancreatic cancer, a disease that is rarely caught early and has a grim prognosis. Only about five of every 100 people diagnosed with the cancer remain alive five years later.
The evidence on heavy drinking has been more mixed, but some studies have suggested it's also a risk factor. The new results, which appeared in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, show the disease may strike smokers and drinkers earlier in life.
"If you do have these habits, and you're going to develop pancreatic cancer, the age of presentation may be younger," said lead researcher Michelle Anderson, at the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor.
Her team also found that the effect disappeared for former smokers and drinkers if they had quit 10 years or more before being diagnosed.
On average, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer is about one in 71, and the average age at diagnosis is 72, according to the American Cancer Society.
But in this study, current smokers and heavy drinkers were diagnosed a decade earlier than that.
The findings are based on 811 patients in a pancreatic cancer registry.
Those who were current smokers were typically diagnosed at around age 62, versus age 70 among non-smokers. Heavy drinkers, meanwhile, were typically diagnosed at age 61, almost a decade earlier than non-drinkers.
The findings do not prove that smoking or drinking led to the earlier cancers, but Anderson's team did account for a number of other factors, such as body weight and family history of pancreatic cancer.
Smoking and heavy drinking were still linked to earlier diagnoses.

It’s time for siesta…

It’s time for siesta…

Ruby Foster
| September 17, 2012
Grabbing some shut-eye is beneficial both physically and mentally.

Whether you’re having a catnap, power nap, micro nap, ultra nap or metro nap, not many would view a slumped body at the table as a perky, productive co-worker. The perception is that you’re either sick or lazy. Yet there is an abundance of research findings that say grabbing some shut-eye is beneficial both physically and mentally.

A catnap or siesta typically takes anywhere from 10-30 minutes and is traditionally more popular in Spain, Greece and Asia where the climate is warm and the mid-day meal a tad heavy. Any longer than 30 minutes and you will wake up cranky and sluggish for the rest of the day.

Physical benefits aplentyLess stress makes a happy heart. A 2007 study revealed that the catnappers among us were 40 percent less likely to develop heart disease. They believe that napping lowers the level of stress hormones like cortisol, norepinephrine, and adrenalin, helping the body handle glucose better.

Grabbing a few minutes of shut-eye also helps reduce carelessness, boost motor skills, improve learning and memory (great for your kids during examination time), decision-making, mood and alertness (great for you while at the office).

Sara Mednick, Ph.D., a sleep medicine researcher at the University of California and author of ‘Take a Nap! Change Your Life’ claims napping before 4:00 p.m. helps reduce your chances of gaining weight and replenishes your energy so you feel more up to having sex after dinner than you do now. It also won’t affect your nighttime sleep.

Gaining popularityIn fact word of the benefits of taking a catnap has caught on so much so that companies like Nike actually have ‘quiet rooms’ where staff are encouraged to take a short nap or meditate. There is also an emerging trend in foreign countries where catnapping pods and snoozing suites are available not only at the office but at universities and shopping malls too.

You’re in good companyDid you know that some of the world’s most intelligent politicians, scientists and artists were also habitual catnappers? Albert Einstein, Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Leonardo Da Vinci and Salvador Dali all catnapped and woke up to make big impressions on the world. So you’re not alone and you’re certainly not lazy.

Do it right
So you’re sold on the benefits of a catnap. Now make sure you nap right so it does not have a counter-affect on you. What time is best? 1 pm to 3 pm when your body releases a high level of melatonin. The only other peak is at night when you sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that helps relax your body and prepare it for sleep.

If you’re an ‘early-to-bed, early-to-rise’ kind of person, a catnap is best around 1 pm. If you usually knock off after midnight, then napping around 2.30 pm is ideal.

A word of caution – don’t nap too late in the day or you will have trouble sleeping at night. The last thing you want is to be tossing and turning for hours only to wake up the next morning tired, un-rested and irritable.

Besides the many benefits of catnapping, studies conducted by the University of Birmingham and a Guanzhou Hospital in China show that those who snooze during the day may have a slight risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Among the possible factors were disrupted nighttime sleep and a link between napping and reduced physical activity. A good way around this would be to catnap in moderation… maybe not every day, but on those odd days when you feel especially worn-out or too stressed.

Super pollen? Yikes!!

(Shutterstock image)

I was reading an article from the Washington Post about pollen, allergies and asthma. One doctor in the Midwest was shocked at the number of people being admitted to the hospital for allergies and asthma-about 20 people per day! I don't think our regional hospital ever gets that many patients per day, even in the middle of flu and RSV season!

Dr. Portnoy works at Children's Mercy Hospital and Clinics of Kansas City, Missouri. He is chief of the hospital's allergy, asthma and immunology section and said that this year has been a perfect storm for allergy and asthma sufferers. Hot and dry weather, little humidity and plants blooming early  means a long and miserable allergy season. Doctors can't prove yet that global warming is causing a change in allergy and asthma symptoms, but they think they may actually have some statistics by the end of the summer.  Dr. Portnoy is quoted as saying:

“It’s been a secular trend, gradually getting worse,” he said.
“This year it all came together, warm in the winter, all the plants started producing their pollen,” Portnoy said. “My guess is probably it was a worse year than other years . . . because it was a perfect storm of hot, dry, low humidity.”

The University of North Carolina has an allergist named David Peden. He says that:

Americans are likely being exposed to a new super pollen. Studies have shown that plants treated with carbon dioxide and ozone emissions — causes of global warming — release a more potent pollen, with greater amounts of allergens per pollen grain, he said.
“When you’re consistently exposed to things you’re allergic to, you never give the nose and the lungs any real rest,” Peden said. “A person’s response to things they are allergic to can be increased by other things, like ozone, air pollution and associated climate-change issues. People who encounter it will be more sensitive.”
(Shutterstock image)
That explains why people are being admitted to the hospital more often for allergies and asthma. This photo shows what we have to try to breathe through. When you have asthma, your body over-reacts to many triggers or irritants. That makes the bronchial tubes in the lungs swell from the inside. The bands on the outside of the bronchial tubes tighten and what little room is left to breathe through clogs with mucus. No wonder we have a hard time breathing! 

Hhm. No matter what you believe about global warming, it seems like things are getting worse for allergy and asthma sufferers. So, what to do? There are a few simple things that can keep you from being so miserable.
  • Use Central Air instead of a swamp cooler (swamp coolers can pull pollen into the home)
  • Sleep with the windows closed (another reason to use central air)
  • Shower before you go to bed at night (to remove pollen from your skin and hair)
  • Wash your sheets once a week in hot water
  • Talk to your doctor! If you aren't getting relief from taking these precautions and from taking an anti-histamine, see what else he or she would recommend. There are allergy nose sprays on the market that only affect the nose. You may not have the drowsy side effects of taking an allergy pill every day. 
  • Allergy shots (or immunotherapy) are another option. To learn more, click here.  
Good luck and pass the tissues. Achoo!

The Big 3

 This year Lily decided that she wanted a curious george birthday party. So that is what we threw together. Here are a few pictures from her fun little curious party.

It turned out to be such a nice day and we were so happy to have so many wonderful friends and family in our lives. Thank you to everyone for making Lily's birthday so special for her.

5 foods for a flat stomach

5 foods for a flat stomach

September 13, 2012
Top 5 flat-belly foods.

Dreaming of a flat stomach without hitting the gym? Start eating your way to a slimmer waist with these top 5 foods for a flat stomach.

Flax seedsFlax seeds (often referred to as linseeds) are nutritious seeds packed with monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) – which are actually a lot more diet-friendly than they sound. Monounsaturated fats, unlike saturated fats (the “bad” fats found in junk food), not only lower cholesterol levels but they can also help to reduce body fat. Liz Vaccariello, author of The Flat Belly Diet, advocates these healthy fats for those wanting to specifically target belly fat.

Not only will these super seeds tackle love handles, but they are great for those suffering from bloating. Flax seeds provide high levels of fibre and can help to keep the digestive system running smoothly, helping to banish bloating, constipation and other digestive problems. Try adding a tablespoon of freshly ground flax seeds to your morning cereal, lunchtime salad, or homemade smoothie to start enjoying their belly-flattening benefits.

BerriesBlackberries, blueberries, acai berries… what do these fruits have in common? They could all help you to squeeze back into your skinny jeans. Studies have suggested that those wanting to lose their belly fat should opt for fruit that is blue or red in colour (such as cherries, red grapes and many types of berries). In fact, it is the chemicals that are responsible for giving these fruits their colour (anthocyanins) that, according to recent research, also burn abdominal fat.

YoghurtNot only is yoghurt low in fat and calories, so good as a weight loss food, but many yoghurts also contain active cultures (probiotics) which promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut and help with digestion, excess gas and bloating. Yoghurt is luckily easy to fit into any diet plan as part of a meal or a snack between meals. You could also try combining natural yoghurt, berries and flax seeds in a morning smoothie or bowl of cereal, getting you off to a great tummy-trimming start before you even leave the house.

Whole grainsWhole grains are great for weight management and shedding those excess pounds. Not only are they a low-fat source of slow-release energy but, due to their high levels of fibre, they will help to regulate the digestive system and also keep you feeling fuller for longer. Eating whole grains also helps to lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and insulin in the body, both of which encourage fat to be stored around the belly.

Many people, however, instinctively opt for wheat as their primary source of whole grains, which is often not the best choice. Not only is wheat difficult to digest – which can cause bloating in some – but it is better to eat grains in their natural form rather than as a processed flour. Good alternatives to try are brown rice, oats, buckwheat and spelt. Quinoa – although technically a seed – is also a nutritious alternative that can be used in the place of grains such as pasta and couscous.

Water or other still drinksWhile it’s not technically a food, a lack of water in your diet could be the one thing still standing in your way of a flat stomach. Bloating is something that affects many women and the problem is often worsened – or even instigated – by a lack of fluids in the system. Drinking water will help to flush toxins out of the system, curb hunger, improve the digestive system and reduce fluid retention, all of which will leave your stomach looking flatter.

If you are aiming for a flat belly, it is important to drink a minimum of eight glasses of liquids a day. Although this does not have to be water, it is best to go for liquids that are still (fizzy drinks can cause bloating) and low in calories. If you don’t fancy plain water, a good alternative is green tea – which is also rumoured to have fat burning benefits – or fennel, dandelion or peppermint teas, all of which can combat bloating.

The day you turned three...

  Today your daddy and I both took vacation days from work and like every year declared it a family holiday. Your birthday was spent celebrating you and all the love we have in our hearts for you. We started the day off with lots and lots and lots of balloons. Mama and Daddy well mainly Daddy stayed up way into the night to blow up 100 balloons for you.
  When you woke up that morning I think you just knew that today was YOUR special day, even before the balloons and the happy birthday hugs and kisses. I swear you woke up older.. taller.
  The whole day was filled with silly's and giggles. We drove out to the painted penguin where we picked out a little ballerina kitty to paint, we roamed the mall and checked out multiple pet stores,and stopped for lunch in the food court. Later in the evening we went to menchies for a froyo treat and afterwards we met grandma and poppy at a restaurant to celebrate your birthday and lastly, after dinner we met at our hours to sing and eat cake.
  I would say today was a success and we are so glad we were able to share such a special day together. Mama and Daddy love you more than you will every be able to comprehend, heck we cant even fully comprehend how much love we have for such a little big brown eyed girl.
  Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!!!!!
