
Well, about triggers. I already mentioned mine being cold temperatures (and of course dust, and anything green that grows)

My #1 son (that's what his grandpa calls him- he can't keep all the grandkids' names straight) has exercise induced asthma. I can always tell when he's been playing ultimate frisbee with his friends, because I can hear him coughing all night. You would think by now he would automatically use his inhaler before he goes......he also has problems with respiratory infections making his asthma worse (as do most people with asthma).

My #2 son has problems with emotions-every time he starts his hearty laugh, it instantly turns into a cough. He is also allergic to all animals and anything green that grows. The biggest worry is his tree nut allergy. We've had several problems with that, it's nice that they now list on food labels that a food was "produced in the same factory that processes tree nut products". We still carry Bendadryl strips and an epi pen everywhere we go. And I have to inspect all the food first if we're not eating at home. Respiratory infections also go straight to his lungs. There's no such thing as "just a cold" for him.

Kitty (our youngest) also has multiple triggers. When they did her scratch test to prepare her serum for allergy shots, the only thing she wasn't allergic to was rats. The nurse jokingly suggested we could have a pet rat! She is also affected by respiratory infections.

Even knowing about all their triggers, it's hard to protect them. We can't live in a bubble, but we try to minimize exposure any time we can. That's easier said than done.

Fridays I'm going to do "Flashback Fridays" to some fun asthma episode. Ah, good times! NOT!

Asthma is a strange beast!

Asthma is one wily little devil. It seems people think 'no big deal - give an asthmatic an albuterol inhaler' and that will cure everything. Not exactly.

Asthma seems to change over time and wax and wane. The hardest thing is figuring out what your triggers are. And that isn't always as easy as it sounds. I was shopping for a baby gift last week at a local retail store and suddenly felt my chest tighten up and the hard cough starting. I have no idea what happened-was there a dusty shelf? Chemical sizing on the baby towel I bought? Something too fragrant in the baby shampoo aisle? Something on the aisle where I bought the rubber duck?

I was fine once I left the store, some things can never be explained. I have shopped there for almost 15 years and never had a problem.

Sometimes, I'm so busy, it takes a few minutes to dawn on me that I'm having a hard time breathing and getting that 'twitchy' feeling in my throat. Then the cough starts.

The hardest thing about summer is having a smoothie, otter pop, or any sort of iced treat. Since my trigger is usually cold temperatures, it does cause me to constantly cough when trying to eat any tasty iced treat. I usually give up an surrender my Jamba Juice to my sweet hubby after two sucks on the straw. That seems to be my limit. I have found that by eating ice cream slowly(ie licking it off the cone-never using a spoon) I can enjoy my all time favorite-chocolate peanut butter ice cream. But no cheating and using a spoon, or the chest tightens and the cough starts.

Ah, the curse of genetics. Thanks mom and dad for passing asthma on to me, and then what do I do? Pass it on to all 3 of my kids. More about them later.

Why am I doing an asthma blog?!

My name is Andrea, and I hate asthma! It has dramatically changed my life. I've gone from being an Interior Designer, to going back to school for another degree (in Public Health) to help other families with asthma. I got a crash course 10 years ago when one of our children was diagnosed with asthma.

Asthma can be overwhelming with all of the unique lingo, medications and equipment.

I am asthmatic, and it comes from my husband's side of the family as well, so unfortunately, all three of our children are asthmatic.

We've had countless doctor visits, middle of the night ER visits, and 12 hospitalizations for asthma. We all have different triggers and severity levels.

By sharing what I have learned over the last 10 years, I hope to be able to take some mystery out of this chronic illness and help others along the way.

I Know I Said I Wouldn't Be Around Much, BUT....

I need to get something off my chest.  So, here goes...

Remember how I told y'all I'd had a bunch of tests done lately?  Well, almost 2 months ago I had a mammogram and an ultrasound of my breast done because sometimes I could feel a lump and sometimes it hurt. (How's that for a run-on sentence?)  Anyway, the doctor told me she felt it could be related to my hormones because they were out of whack, but wanted me to have the tests done just to make sure.  I appreciate that.  To say that I didn't ever had a mental battle with that little lump would be lying, even though there is no history of breast cancer in my family.  Both tests showed absolutely nothing - not even anything to deem suspicious.  There simply wasn't anything there.  The radiologist told me that as we age, breast tissue can change and become lumpy.  Also, a surge of hormones can cause inflammation in a lymph node which could give some discomfort.  Given the placement of the lump and the fact that most of my discomfort was during 'that time of the month', he felt that this was probably the case in my situation.  Rest in peace, my mind was put to ease.  My gynecologist seemed satisfied with the results.

Fast forward to today....

I get a call from a nurse at my gynecologist's office.  She said that the doctor wanted to know how that lump was doing.  "I haven't been having any issues."  Well, she was going to refer me to a surgical group. I'm going out on a limb here and assuming it's the same surgical group that she referred me to that removed my gall bladder.  I told her that since both of the tests showed absolutely nothing and the doctor had told me that it was probably hormone related, that made sense to me.  She then said, "Well, if you change your mind, let us know."  End of phone call.

Now, here's where I want to pick y'alls brains.

Here's what went through my head:
1) Wouldn't a surgical group be used for something invasive, like biopsies?
2) Why would she want to refer me to a surgeon for a non-existent lump?  What would there be to biopsy?
3) If it was something she was still truly concerned about, why would she wait almost 2 months to schedule me for an appointment with the surgeon?  After all, wouldn't possible cancer take precedence over a gall bladder?
4) If she was concerned enough to refer me to a surgeon, wouldn't she have made a real push to have it investigated further instead of just a, "Well, if you change your mind..."?
5) Could my beloved doctor really be a racketeer in cahoots with the surgical group for kick-backs? Note: I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, but something just doesn't seem to add up to me at this point.
6) Or, could there really be something she's concerned about and just not telling me?  Although, this doesn't make sense in my mind either due to the fact that I had 2 tests done that showed absolutely nothing.  And, aren't ultrasounds pretty much the gold standard for finding tumors?

I would like to be rational about this.  My mind in leaning towards #5 at this moment - but maybe that really is being illogical.  I know I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer and I have had no formal medical schooling.  So, any thoughts, please? :0)


Update and a Free DVD Offer

It was a week ago today that I had my gall bladder removed.  The surgery went well and I was home to sleep on my own reclining sofa that evening.  I have spent the past week recuperating and waiting for my energy and strength to return to pre-surgery status.  I thank those of you who took time to comment and encourage me with your stories and your prayers.  Hugs to you all.

This past week has given me plenty of time for contemplation and evaluation about how our days go, what we accomplish and whether or not the results are in line with what I want to have happen in our days.  The bottom line is; there are priorities that need to be restructured.  As I have been feeling a pull towards a more natural/simple life style in the areas of what we eat and how we live in general, I feel that pull more strongly in other areas lately. 

I am feeling the need to pull back more from technology.  Not that there is anything wrong with it.  On the contrary - I find it to be very helpful.  Sometimes too helpful.  It can tend to be a big time suck for me.  Even blogging anything worth reading takes a great deal of time to order the thoughts on the screen, spell check, edit and make it flow properly.  Obviously, I haven't written much worth reading in quite a while. :0)  But, then that leaves me riddled with guilt.  Between blogging, Facebook, and just checking my e-mails - I am spending way more time on this wonderful piece of technology we call the computer than I want to.

I would rather my days be spent on more productive things like gardening, working on my sewing projects, taking walks with my son and just spending more quality one on one time with him in general.  Even though we're home together every day, I feel that there are so many things that take my time and attention that we don't spend "quality" time together.  He is the only child I have.  I only have this season once.  There is no way to redeem time once it is gone.  I don't want to have regrets one day because I was too busy to give my attention to the things that are most important in my life. 

So, I have decided to give blogging and other areas of computer time a new place on my list of priorities. They are being demoted.  Actually, this blog has been severely neglected for a while.  But, I have decided to let go of the guilt of it.  :0)  I will check in on occasion - only if there is anything really worth reporting.  I truly admire those women that seem to be able to do projects, write beautiful blog posts about them every day and still manage to make quality time with their families.  Unfortunately, I don't happen to be one of those women who can do it all.  So, I'm coming to terms with that.  I'm letting go of some things that hinder and embracing the gifts I have before me.  I realize that some goals I have won't be easily reached without giving up quite a bit of  'screen time'. 

I dearly appreciate those of you who have stuck around to read my goings on!  Some of you have even become what I would consider friends. :0)  This isn't an absolute good-bye.  It's just an I'll be seeing you a little less often.  So, friends...let me share a great freebie with you before I go today.

NASA and The American Museum of Natural History have joined forces to create a free DVD for educators and parents entitled, Journey to the Stars.  It's a planetarium show about the amazing variety of stars that dot our cosmos--exploding stars, giant stars, dwarf stars, neutron stars, even our own star!  Just go to this link to sign up for your free copy!  This is a great offer, especially for you homeschoolers out there!

You'll still be in my thoughts with much love...
