Stem cells or stem cells are cells that grow the beginnings of all human organs in human embryo development. Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various mature cell types, such as nerve cells, heart muscle cells, skeletal muscle cells, and pancreatic cells. Stem cells are also able to regenerate itself.
Stem cells can be found in the blood in the placenta and umbilical cord, and spinal cord.
This is the process of embryonic development in the mother's womb:
begun in the week 4-8:
Formation occurs early embryo (early man) who already have a vascular system (blood circulation). Fetal heart started beating, and all other organs begin to form. Appear facial bones, eyes, toes, and this phase was tangan.Pada been formed amniotic sac consisting of two thin membranes. This membrane contains the amniotic fluid where the baby is floating in the womb. Amniotic fluid to keep the baby from injury from the impact from the outside during pregnancy.
8-12 weeks:
Organs of the main body of the fetus was formed. The shape of his head was now bigger than the body, so it can accommodate the growing brain rapidly. He also has a chin, nose, and eyelids clear. In the womb, the fetus can begin to do activities such as kicking gently.
weeks 12-16:
Fetal lungs begin to grow and heartbeat can be heard by means of ultrasound (USG). Her face began to form a particular expression, and in his eyes began to grow eyebrows and eyelashes. Now he can turn his head and opened his mouth. Her hair began to grow rough and color. Even her feet were already grown longer than her hand.
weeks 16-20:
Nose and ear clear, red skin, hair began to grow, and all parts are fully formed. Blood vessels seen clearly in the thin skin of the fetus. His body was covered with fine hair called lanugo. Little is now starting more regular and coordinated. He can suck his thumb and react to her mother's voice.
weeks 20-24:
At this time, genitals begin to form, open nostrils, and he started doing the breathing movement. Centers bones began to harden. Besides, now he began to have some time to sleep.
weeks 24-28:
Under the skin, the fat has started to pile up. In the scalp hair began to grew, his eyelids open, and the brain starts. He could hear now, either voice from within and from outside (the environment). She can recognize her voice and her heartbeat quickened when his mother spoke.
weeks 28-32:
Although the movement was already limited due to increasing weight, but his eyes had started to blink due to see light through her stomach wall. His head was pointing downward. Her lungs are not perfect, but if the moment he was born into the world, little likely to have been able to survive. Little is now perfectly formed.
week 36:
The baby often practice breathing, sucking, and swallowing. Fine hairs all over his body has disappeared and his body becomes more rounded. Babies conceived by Part of the pregnant woman for the first time will experience a decrease, which is falling into the pelvic cavity head (the baby is "down").
week 38:
His head has been in the pelvic cavity, ready to be born. This shows that when labor is near. Now, the baby as if "prepare themselves" for the birth to the world.