
The disease is not contagious among others:

1. Heart

The heart is vital, which functions to pump blood around the body and never stopped. The heart has two pumps, one in the right side. The one on the left. The heart beats more than 100,000 times a day, continuously pumping blood through more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels are very small.

2. Tumor Disease

The disease is caused by cell growth that exceeds growth in the surrounding tissue. Tumors can occur in random places and networks. Tumors are named according to their home network. Tumur cause until now still not known with certainty. Some say the tumor may occur because the X-ray continuous. There are also opinions that said as a result of the sun continuously. There is a thought virus.

3. Lacking Disease Nutrition

Because vitamin A deficiency in the food, the child will suffer from blind dusk (xeropthalmia). The cure is to give a lot of foods containing vitamin A.

Lack of vitamin B1 will resulted in swelling in both legs so difficult to walk, slow action, the look lazy. Treatment is to provide food that contains vitamin B1.

4. Disease caused by abnormal lymph nodes and hormones.

a. Sugar disease

Glucon is one of the hormones produced by the pancreas. There are people who could not produce enough insulin to meet their own needs. Insulin deficiency is a rise in blood sugar or glucose in the blood. Meanwhile, the body's cells do not get adequate supplies of food. In this case, excess glucose is lost in the urine. This is called diabetes. If this continues, the patient becomes weak and can die from lack of nutrients. Diabetes is a disease that strange and complicated. Not only the pancreas was involved, but also the tools that others, including children renal glands. Hypothyse, mumps, and liver. Natural situation, the patient must do one of two things that are below:

- He must reduce the food you eat.

- He had to provide enough insulin to meet the needs of his body.

b. Mumps Disease

Mumps is a disease caused by abnormalities in the thyroid, visible with the enlargement in the neck front. There are two thyroid. In the event of illness, may have an enlarged side or both.

5. Circulatory

Human blood is red. When blood was silenced for some time, will we find two kinds of substances, namely:

a). A yellowish color.

b). Deposition of red (blood cells.)

Blood cells consist of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and freezing cells (platelets). In the adult male blood every 3 mm containing 5 million cells, the 4 million adult women cell.

Blood type

Human blood groups have 4 kinds, namely O, A, B and AB. Human blood circulation occurs because of the heart that pumps blood around the body through arteries, then returned to the heart (large circulation). Simultaneously, the heart also pumps blood to the lungs, then returned to the heart (small circulation).

The number of adult human blood in approximately 4 to 5 liters or 1 / 13 the weight people. If the 52 kg weight. blood is 1/13x52 = 4 liters. Blood pressure was measured by Tensimeter (gauge potential). Measured is the pressure systole (ie when the blood is pressed out of the heart) 120 mm of mercury (Hg) and pressure diastoir (at the time of blood into the heart) 89 mmHg. So if the number is less than normal blood, blood pressure will decrease called hypotensi (hypo = under, less; tension = pressure). If the higher blood pressure than normal is called hypertension (hyper = more). These circumstances need to know the cause of kelainannya. Although demikia, there are many other factors that can cause abnormalities in blood pressure, for example:

2. Abnormalities in blood vessels.
3. Age
4. Heart Disease