I needed to add a little to last weeks' Flash Back Friday. Writing about #2's ICU admission took awhile, but wait! there's more!
When #2 was in ICU in pediatrics, it was my hubby's turn to stay at the hospital and I was at home with #1 son and Kitty. We had a bad night when someone tried to break into the house. Kitty was crying, so I got up to check on her during the night and heard a distinctive slam of the front screen door. (Our clergy leader had warned all of the neighbors of several attempted house break-ins and to be aware) So my heart was racing as I grabbed Kitty out of her crib and ran across the house to check on #1 son-who was sound asleep. I heard some rustling in the lilac bushes by his window, so I called 911.
I was crying so hard the dispatcher could hardly understand me, but I did manage to get out that one son was at the hospital, and I was home alone with the other two kids. When the officers arrived, they couldn't find the suspect, and they asked me if there was someone who could stay the night to help me feel better. It was a great excuse for my father-in-law to ride over on his Honda Goldwing and he then spent a fitful night trying to sleep on the couch.
I called my hubby at the hospital ( note: hospital operator will not patch you through to a room after 10pm unless it's an emergency-which it was)
So for the rest of the hospitalization, I spent the nights at the hospital where I knew I was safe.
Then Kitty became sick and couldn't stop throwing up and having diarrhea. So I took her to the pediatrician in the morning (after he had done rounds at the hospital and had already seen #2 son.) She continued to have problems (now I know to ask for anti-nausea medication!)
When #2 was discharged, I took him home where Hubby watched him. I put Kitty in the car and took her back down to the pediatrician, where she was admitted to the hospital with dehydration. The nurses did a double take when they saw me and said, "WHAT are you doing here?!" I had such fond memories of Pediatrics, we couldn't bear to leave! Ya, right!
So, we spent another 4 days at the hospital with Kitty on an IV, she was so sick it took that long to re-hydrate her.
What did we learn that LONG week? That even during ICU hospitalizations, it is important to keep an eye on the other kids as well. Just because one of them is sick doesn't mean that we can only focus on that particular kid. Also important is to follow your gut instinct as a mom. Even though the pediatrican said we would just have to ride it out and to keep trying to give Kitty fluids and she would be okay, I knew something was wrong. So I kept going back until they figured out what it was and admitted her. Many times I'll say, "something's wrong, I just can't put my finger on it". And the doctor seems to take extra time and listens. Trust that gut instinct as a parent!