Open Airways
I'm volunteering with American Lung Association and teaching an Open Airways class at Kitty's elementary school. It's a 6 week class that teaches kids age 8-11 how to manage their asthma.
It's really fun, I know most of the kids from volunteering at the school and working there for a few years. Since everyone with asthma is different, it's been fun to go over triggers, when to take their inhaler, how to get help, how to use your inhaler, etc.
I hope it helps the school nurse, since she has so many schools to cover, she's only available on Thursday mornings for a few hours. So I tell the kids "if you're going to have an asthma attack, make sure you do it Thursday mornings!" Only kidding, things never work out that tidy, do they? With the unpredictable nature of asthma, who knows when an attack will hit.
This way, they know they're not alone - other kids in the school have asthma and deal with the same things they do. In teaching them about asthma and managing it, it should help them feel more in control and not panic when they need to use their inhaler.
If there are any parents that are interested, I'm sure they teach it in all states, with the same training manual and poster book.
Tomorrow is the last day, the kids get certificates of achievement and some delicious treats. (Making sure the treats are nut free). And I get the satisfaction of knowing I'm helping them and making a difference in their lives. Check it if you're interested in teaching in your area!
Anyway, just another fun way to help other people and make a difference!