Christmas trees - real or fake?
Well, it's that time of year. Kitty was so excited to put up the Christmas tree, that we did it the day after Thanksgiving. Sorry, I only celebrate one holiday at a time. So, she had to wait.
But, do you get a real Christmas tree, or a fake one? We used to get real trees when the kids were little. But we noticed non stop sneezing and coughing. That was when the kids were first diagnosed with asthma. And since the kids have multiple triggers (basically, they're allergic to anything that's alive). Trees, bushes, flowers, grass, dogs, cats, horses.
Oh, I exaggerate. There is one animal that Kitty isn't allergic. Shot Nurse was laughing when she said there was one animal that didn't show up on Kitty's scratch test (skin test to see what you are allergic to). A rat. She said we could get a pet rat! Very funny. Not happening.
So, I know it takes the fun out of Christmas, having a fake Christmas tree. It's one of the wonderful smells. Along with the gingerbread house and sugar cookies. But, what do you do?
Listen to the kids sneeze and cough for a month? Or get a fake tree? As an interior designer, I like authentic flowers, plants and trees. None of those silk plants in my house. Except for the tree. Grumble, grumble.
But, you do what you have to as parents. It looks amazing, and no one is sneezing or wheezing.
I hope you all have fun putting up your Christmas tree, whether it's real or fake. If you're lucky enough to have a real one- fabulous! If not, you can join me in being grateful I don't have a bunch of dead needles to clean up every week.
Happy decorating!