Measuring Effective Tooth Brushing

Standard questions I ask my patients at their routine check-ups go like this:  When did you last brush your teeth?  Did you get them clean?  How do you know?  That elicits a wide variety of responses which, as you might imagine, are fun to explore with the patient.
My follow-up questions are often like:  If you were a tasty bug hiding in the grass so a bird couldn't find you, what color would you like to be?  If you are hiding on a tooth, what color would you be?  If the germs are white, how do you know if you got them off?  Most adults remember some time in their past when a dentist or dental hygienist gave them a red pill that turned the germs pink or purple.  That stuff is still around.  It is called disclosing tablets or disclosing solution.  If you color the germs pink and show yourself how to brush those places clean, you would learn the feel of brushing effectively.  If you re-test once a week, it would only take about 4 times to be very efficient with your toothbrush.  You will probably find tooth cleaning can be done very well in less time than you used to take.
There are also disclosing mouthwashes in the super market.  I have found, however, the color in so subtle it is hard to see unless the germs on your teeth are really gross.  If you can't find tablets or solution at your dentist or pharmacy, go to our website and look at our Clean Teeth Kit.  Learn how to effectively clean your teeth in less than 2 minutes a day and:
1) stop getting new cavities
2) prolong the life of your fillings by double or triple
3) Eliminate those embarrassing bleeding gums.
4) Next week read this blog with a brighter smile.
Next week:  Chew Gum for Fewer Cavities