Are allergy shots working?
Hubby and I were talking to Son #1 last night, our college aged son is moving out and the new state he's going to is VERY green. Which makes me think allergies. Great.
Of course as a mom I am worried, and he is on his last vial of serum for his allergy shots. He's been doing shots for 5 years now (and he never made it past once a week injections.) Some people are lucky enough to decrease to every other week, but not us. When we started allergy shots for each one of the kids, they had to go twice a week, and get 2 injections each time. Yup, 4 injections per week.
It sometimes feels like we live there. In fact last Friday morning, Son #1 went to shots at Asthma Doctor's office to see Amazing Shot Nurse before work. Then after school, Hubby picked up Kitty to take her for allergy shots while Son #2 was getting his Xolair injection. (He's already finished is 5 years worth of allergy shots.)
But, they seem to be helping. We can stop and pet Wonderful Neighbor's miniature schnauzer dog without sneezing, wheezing and coughing.
When we were talking to Son #1 last night about moving, he was saying, "you know my nose doesn't get stuffed up anymore from allergies. I still have to blow my nose, but not like I used to, when I blew my nose so many times a day that I always got a bloody nose."
Hhmm, so all those years and all that money was worth it?! Don't get me wrong, he still has to take Zyrtec year round. But allergy shots seem to have made a difference.
Sometimes allergy medicine isn't enough, and they may need allergy shots to help reduce symptoms (and to help them feel better!) Having allergies really stinks. People think it's just like a cold. Only colds go away in a week, allergies last for months or years.
Allergy shots are an option, they've worked for all 3 of our kids. I was considering them myself....I don't want to feel left out you know!
To all of you getting allergy shots, keep going! They work and it will be worth it in the long run.