Diabetes and asthma?!
Diabetes and asthma?! I was just reading on Web md about a new study released by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. It says that asthma may increase your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Great, one more thing to worry about! I'm not sure if this link will work - http://www.webmd.com/asthma/default.htm It seems that the inflammation is the common link with asthma, diabetes and heart disease. The link between COPD and diabetes has been shown in many studies. (COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema). So they say that the link between asthma and diabetes is "plausible". They also say steroids can throw someone into a diabetic state. But it doesn't say for how long someone is using steroids. Some people do a short 5 day burst, others use a low dose as a "preventative measure". I guess the caution here would be just to keep an eye on yourself or your kids. Webmd lists the usual symptoms for diabetes as increased thirst and urination, blurred vision and fatigue. If you suspect something, check with your doctor. Just because you have asthma doesn't mean that's all you get to deal with. You can have other medical problems as well. Just a happy thought to start your week out with......