This week has been a very Very, im sorry have I mentioned VERY tough week for all three of us... Our week started off with a horrible let down and test of my patience on Monday, a Sick little girl on Tuesday, a stressed out Daddy on Wednesday, and a completly overwhelmed mama on Thursday.... Well needless to say we decided to end this week Early. We took off of work on Friday and declared it Family Friday. It was a BLAST not a worry all day long, just smiles, laughter, and a nice long day at the zoo.
Even though I could not wait to get this week over, here are 5 things that made me smile this week:
1. This photo we thrifted titled the Good Old Days... ours is painted with acrylic it appears, is slightly darker, and has a nice wooden frame. We hung it near the T.v above our book case. I find myself starring at it everynight, It always brings a smile to my face.
2. Sundays weather forcast.... though there is a chance of a early morning thunderstorm the high is suppose to be 78 degrees Ahhhh yes FINALLY that has plastered a smile on my face for sure.
3. Our roomate Charley ( notice I did not call him our "cat ", i know better he rules our house) We have a very love irritate relationship but he always knows when i need a little cheering up and he is right there to give it
.4. Seeing Liliana's smile. Her big smile can melt anyone's worries away in just an instant.
5. The two loves' of my life, I love to watch them interact with one another.
Even though I could not wait to get this week over, here are 5 things that made me smile this week:
1. This photo we thrifted titled the Good Old Days... ours is painted with acrylic it appears, is slightly darker, and has a nice wooden frame. We hung it near the T.v above our book case. I find myself starring at it everynight, It always brings a smile to my face.
2. Sundays weather forcast.... though there is a chance of a early morning thunderstorm the high is suppose to be 78 degrees Ahhhh yes FINALLY that has plastered a smile on my face for sure.
3. Our roomate Charley ( notice I did not call him our "cat ", i know better he rules our house) We have a very love irritate relationship but he always knows when i need a little cheering up and he is right there to give it
.4. Seeing Liliana's smile. Her big smile can melt anyone's worries away in just an instant.
5. The two loves' of my life, I love to watch them interact with one another.