Summer camp for kids with asthma

Kitty came home with a flier from school about summer camp, but I thought not a chance! Neither of her brothers (who also have asthma) have gone to the school district sponsored summer camp, and neither will Kitty.

Sorry, but it is just WAY too far away from medical help if she had an asthma attack that they couldn't treat. And I don't think I would feel comfortable with a elementary school student needing to treat her own asthma at a summer camp.

Sure, they have trained personnel, but they also take care of diabetes, seizure disorders and general first aid. They don't specialize in asthma, and I wouldn't trust them to treat any of my kids.

However, I did find one in our state, it's called Camp Wyatt and it's sponosored by the American Lung Association. Now they know what they are doing when it comes to asthma! Not to mention Asthma Doc provides care for the campers. I would trust him wherever he was.
This camp is specifically designed for kids with asthma, they can do all of the regular things (canoeing, swimming, rock climbing, etc) plus they teach the kids about asthma management. And monitor their peak flow twice a day. It's a bit expensive, but there are "camperships" available for the kids. Here's a link to the camp for our state I noticed on Google that there were links to asthma camps for other states. Check it out-what's more fun that being out in nature and eating smores? Kitty's a little shy, if I can just convince her to go......they also want Son #2 to go and be a camp counselor. And I could volunteer as well. Hhmmm this is sounding better all the time!