Have you been hearing the buzz about the benefits of lacto-fermented food? It seems as the Real Food Movement is gaining a foothold that I'm hearing about the benefits more and more. I am baby stepping my way through learning skills in the kitchen that will improve my family's health and lacto-fermentation is one of the next steps I'm anxious to tackle.
Well, oh happy day, Amy at Homestead Revival is hosting a give away for a lacto-fermentation e-course. This is a 6 month e-course done by Wardeh at GNOWFGLINS, who is the instructor extraordinaire on traditional food preparation. If you click on Wardeh's link above you'll be able to watch a demo video to get a sampling of what this course will entail.
If you'd like a chance to win this 6 month e-course on lacto-fermentation simply head on over to Homestead Revival to enter.