Laughing can cause an asthma attack!

Who is this guy on my blog? It's who I look at for a good laugh. But did you know that laughing (or any strong emotion) can cause an asthma attack.? Son #2 does a great belly laugh, but instantly will start coughing. Mind you, it's not the kind of asthma attack that needs an inhaler. But still, it can be a little scary.

There is a blog that I have been following called "Wave at the bus" , it's a really funny blog that shows the 170 different costumes that a dad would wear every day to wave at his high school aged son. On the first day of high school, his mom and dad ran out to wave at the bus, which of course embarassed their son. He told them to never do that again. Game on! Dad decided to wave at the bus EVERY day and to wear a different costume every day.

If you want a laugh, click on the blog, but if laughing is one of your triggers, watch the asthma!

Have fun!