Peak flow meters are an easy way to check on your asthma. Click on the colored "peak flow meters" at the beginning of this sentence, and it will take you to the Amazon website.
It gives you a lot of different pictures of what peak flow meters look like. A peak flow meter is a simple hand held device that helps you see how air moves in and out of your lungs. There are different zones on a peak flow meter (red, yellow and green.)
Green means go! Your asthma is under control and you can do whatever you want. Yellow means you are having problems, you may be having an asthma attack or getting sick. You should do whatever your doctor has prescribed, which often means using your rescue or emergency inhaler. You can sometimes increase your maintenance medication if you are getting sick.
The red zone means get to the hospital-quick! Or you may need to call 911. Your doctor or nurse can set up your peak flow meter since the numbers are different for each person.
They also have electronic peak flow meters which work really well. It depends on what your insurance will cover, either an electronic version or simple hand held version.
They're great little devices, we have them in every back pack and purse because it's one of those things that can really help you know if you're in trouble or not. So, check them out and see which one is right for you.
Happy shopping!