Giving nebulizer treatments

Have you ever had a hard time getting your kids to sit still while you do a nebulizer treatment? How can you distract them for 10 minutes? It was always a challenge when my kids were little, sometimes Teddy Bear would get a "treatment" (we would just hold the mask up to teddy-we wouldn't turn the nebulizer on and waste our precious vials of Albuterol.) Or we would let Kitty be in charge and hold the mask up to teddy, or horsey, or whatever stuffed animal was her favorite at the moment.

I just found something on the website for the Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics. The video called "Baby Breaths" is made especially for kids to watch who are having a nebulizer treatment. It only takes 10 minutes and is designed to distract them from the treatment. I wish I would have known about this when my kids were little.! It shows other little kids getting nebulizer treatments. And little kids are always fascinated by watching other little kids. And it's nice for them to see other kids going through the same thing they are.

At only 10 minutes, it's the perfect length. So, try it and let me know what you think!