A little late.. ok almost two months late...but nevertheless. We introduce to you the newest member of the Fruscella clan......... Jack Russell Fruscella but we call him Jack.
This is our new baby boy Jack. Don't ask us what posessed us to adopt this cute little tyke (three days before our wedding) but we did and we LOVE him, well the humans in our house do..the other two not so much but Bandit is slowly coming around to him.
Jack is a (now) 5 month old Jack Russell that we adopted from a old high school friend of mine. We feel so blessed to have him in our fmaily. He fits right in. Lily absolutley adores everything about him, ok maybe not the whole always wanting to lick or be in your face thing, but she is good at telling him no and pushing him away, oh or the whole chewing all of her nice toys (but we needed to weed through he toys anyways right lol).
Jack is not only Lilys shadow but he his Jason's little cuddle bug.. Jack thinks Jason lap is the best thing next to zukes!!!
Little Jack makes a good addition to our household, now only if him and Charley could learn to get along like him and angelo.