I mentioned yesterday that I did my first round of canning for the season recently. This canning session was a little different than most for me, though. I had ordered some Tattler reusable canning lids. The reusable canning lids are BPA free and consist of a flat white lid with a rubber ring that goes between it and the jar. They have received great reviews and are supposed to be something that I can use for decades. Y'all, buying lids every year can really crank the cost of canning up. These are kind of pricey up front, but will be much more economical over time.
I had been anxiously awaiting my first go 'round with them. I only ordered 3 dozen to begin with because I was unsure of how they would work for me. I was a little uncertain about them having 2 pieces and not making the "pop" that assures me that they sealed properly.
I plunged head-first into canning my first seven quarts of green beans with the Tattler lids, following the the directions exactly. Which, incidentally isn't any harder than using regular flats - unless you count the fact that the rings need to be tightened completely when they're pulled from the water after processing. Big whoop. I waited until the following morning to check and see if all of them sealed properly just to be on the safe side.
Happily, every single jar sealed like it was supposed to. That was enough for me to be a convert. I must say that I was really impressed with these and will be adding to my supply soon. These truly were easy to use and I would highly recommend them.