Heat as an asthma trigger

(Google images/wral.com)

I know we are in the middle of a heat wave across most of the county, and I have been struggling, along with a lot of people.

Luckily, we installed central air in our home several years ago. But, I can't hide out there forever! I do have to go to work, and we enjoy taking walks in the evening with the kids. (The mosquitos especially love it when I go walking in the evenings, the nasty little blood suckers! They bit me 10 times in one night, my legs look like I have chicken pox!)

But I have really been struggling to breathe as we walk in the evenings, and I wondered how much of that was due to asthma. I don't think I'm THAT out of shape!

I found a story online from News25abc out of Evansville, IN about the heat and asthma. Click here to see the story. I knew there was some connection between heat and asthma! I hate this asthma body sometimes, I get so tired of it overreacting to every little thing. If it's not the heat causing problems, it's my beautiful flower bed I love to putter around in, the neighbor's dog or cat, someone mowing the lawn - and on and on.

At least I'm still alive and breathing, I shouldn't complain. But how do you avoid heat as a trigger? Stay inside at home or work? I'm not going to spend the rest of my summer locked inside. I carry a water bottle filled with ice (yes, cold temperatures also triggers asthma attacks for me) but it seems to help balance the heat.

If it's not one thing, it's another-or ten other. These crazy asthma bodies of ours! Anybody have any ideas of what helps when the heat or humidity trigger an asthma attack?