It trully breaks my heart when I see anyone being cruel to another person, especially my Liliana.
The other day Lily decided she wanted to go to the "LIBERRY" so we cleaned up got dressed and headed out the door. Once we got there, Lily picked out two books which we sat down and read twice. When we were through she went over to the small corner with all of the blocks,puzzles,and toys to play. There she encountered her first bully,a older toddler whose parents were no where to be seen. The boy decided it was alright to press his forhead to hers and make horrible faces and growling noises at her. At first Lily only backed away. Than she started throwing desperate looks, and ran into my arms.
I sat down with her and explained to her that although we cannot control how other people behave, we can control how we react. I told her that it is always important to stand up for ourselves and for others that are not being treated properly. "Ask them to please stop" I said to her and tell them "you do not like it".
"stop pweese" she repeated back and off she ran to go finish playing.
Well wouldn't you know it, that little boy shot right back over to where lily was playing,almost immediately after she settled in, and started getting into her face again, and what do you think lily did?
She didn't turn to look at me, she turned and looked straight at the bully stuck her hand out in front of her and said "stop pweese, me no liking liking it" the little boy stepped back shot me a look and ran to his mother.
That was the moment that Lily realized that not only did she have the power to speak for herself, but the words NO LIKING IT made people listen. She took to those words like a fish takes to water. Strawberries on her lunch plate without the greens cut off? NO LIKING IT. Took her to the store instead of the park? NO LIKING IT. Made her hold my hand in a parking lot? NO LIKING IT.
"stop pweese" she repeated back and off she ran to go finish playing.
Well wouldn't you know it, that little boy shot right back over to where lily was playing,almost immediately after she settled in, and started getting into her face again, and what do you think lily did?
She didn't turn to look at me, she turned and looked straight at the bully stuck her hand out in front of her and said "stop pweese, me no liking liking it" the little boy stepped back shot me a look and ran to his mother.
That was the moment that Lily realized that not only did she have the power to speak for herself, but the words NO LIKING IT made people listen. She took to those words like a fish takes to water. Strawberries on her lunch plate without the greens cut off? NO LIKING IT. Took her to the store instead of the park? NO LIKING IT. Made her hold my hand in a parking lot? NO LIKING IT.
"stop pweese, no liking it" she parroted back