I think I'll have to call my doctor, I may have thrush on my tongue from my Advair. Even though I do everything right (rinse my mouth and spit out the water) I am also careful to brush my teeth and tongue right afterwares. But I can see a nice white film. Yay.
I was looking at some photos online about thrush, and their tongues look a lot worse than mine (of course, maybe they let the infection go on to long) I remember Son #2 got thrush a few years ago, and the doctor had to call a prescription for Nystatin liquid in to the pharmacy. It's an anti fungal medicine that required him to swish his mouth and spit out the Nystatin (several times a day) It was hard to get cleared up.
One more thing to deal with. Did I ever mention how much I hate asthma and everything that comes along with it? Arrrgh