Another rescue by strangers

Another car has had an accident, with people stopping to help. Some of you may remember the story that happened here this fall when some people passing by stopped and pulled a burning car off a motorcylist. To see video of the story, click here.

This time, the car went off the road and slid into a river. In the winter! Luckily, this has been the driest December on record for our state. If this had been a normal winter, there would have been a lot more snow and ice in the river. When the car went into the river, it was actually upside down. A window broke during the crash and the car soon filled with water. The father couldn't find the 3 children trapped inside the car, so he came to the top of the river quickly to catch his breath. By that time, 6 men were already charging into the river to help. Using super human strength, they flipped the car right side up.

All 3 children were rescued, but only one was breathing. Two had to have CPR and were taken to the hospital and spent a few days there.

To read the full story, click here.

Could I help in a time like this? Would the extreme stress cause an asthma attack? It's one of those less well known 'triggers' that can cause an asthma attack. Cold temperatures can also cause an asthma attack. Can you imagine someone with asthma, in a cold river in winter, trying to help rescue 3 kids in trouble? I'm so glad the people who stopped to help were healthy and strong. And most likely didn't have asthma!

The kids were released from the hospital and seem to be doing well. What an incredible story! I love happy endings!