12 simple santizing tips to a germ-free workspace


12 simple santizing tips to a germ-free workspace

Thursday, Feb 02, 2012
YourHealth, AsiaOne
Eating food at your desk is probably more hazardous than off the toilet floor.

Skeptical? Well, according to a 2011 study in office hygiene by Initial Hygiene, work stations in Singapore offices are teeming with a shocking 450 per cent more bacteria than a toilet seat.

And what are the dirtiest spots in the office? They are the surfaces office workers touch the most.
The arms of the chair took the dubious honour of being the dirtiest spot in the office, followed closely by the reception chair handle and the pantry kettle handle.

The researchers concluded that while cleaning companies are often engaged to carry out daily cleaning in the office, emphasis is placed on cleaning only common high-traffic areas, where frequent contact from employees is noticed.

However, what is a bigger cause for concern is that unlike toilets and kitchen sinks, where most exercise caution in preventing the spread of germs, office spaces instill a sense of false security in hygiene standards.

In another hygiene study quoted by the Irish Daily Star this year, 40 per cent of those surveyed said they believed their phone was the germiest spot in the office – yet despite acknowledging this, 90 per cent said they would use another person's phone without cleaning it first.

The report also said that many surveyed did not believe their arm handles were so germy.

Another study, conducted by Staples Advantage last year, found that a shocking 70 percent of employees admit to coming into the office while sick.

With Singaporean workers spending increasing chunks of their lives in the office - a recent survey found that one in five employees here work more than eleven hours daily - such attitudes towards office hygiene can be disastrous for one's health.

Here is a list of the 12 simple steps you can take to protect yourselves from the billions of bacteria and germs that are thriving on your mouse, keyboard and desk:

12 tips to a germ-free workspace

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(Photos: Internet, Reuters, ST)