Finding Hidden Bacteria in Your Mouth

The bacteria that “hide” on our teeth and dissolve holes in them (cavities) are the same color as our teeth.  Like the grasshopper hiding in the grass from the bird is green and hard to find.  To find them we have in the office “disclosing solution” which colors the bacteria red and makes them easy to see.

If you can see the bacteria, it is easy to teach yourself  how to be an effective tooth brusher. 

If you “know your enemy” you will find getting teeth clean takes less time than most people normally use for brushing.

AT HOME you can use the vegetable food coloring you have in your kitchen cabinet.  The same stuff you use to color Easter Eggs and make blue cake with green frosting (yikes!). 

After you have done a normal brushing, just put 2 drops on your tongue and lick it all over your teeth.  Rinse real well with some water and then look.  The bacteria will be colored.  You will see the places your “normal brushing” is good and the places you are missing.

 Now teach yourself how to get all those places clean.  Someone who knows how to get her/his teeth clean will be able to do an excellent brushing in one minute.  WOW!

The benefits of excellent brushing are:
1) Whiter teeth!
2) No more bleeding gums!
3) Stop cavities.
4) What a smile!!

Scott Thompson, DDS