The top photo is what my daffodils looked like on Saturday. The next photo is what the daffodils looked like on Monday. Huh? Covered in 6 inches of snow?!
This is typical weather for where I live in the spring. One day can be warm and sunny, then the next day can give us 6 inches of snow on the lawn. We are expecting the same thing to happen this weekend. I searched through my dresser yesterday to find my shorts and will happily wear them this weekend. But on Monday, the weather is supposed to drop 20 or 30 degrees and it will rain and snow again.
This can cause problems with asthma. Many people don't know that changes in weather can be an asthma 'trigger' - or cause an asthma attack. My lungs are wondering what is going on! First it's warm and dry, then suddenly it's cold and wet! My lungs Do NOT like that much change. Even though I am on a maintenance medication (one I take every day for asthma) I still have 'twitchy' lungs. My lungs feel really irritated and I feel as though I am constantly on the verge of coughing.
So, what to do? For me it's easier to stay inside when the weather is being a little crazy. My lungs don't like going from warm, dry air to suddenly having cool and wet air. Everyone who has asthma is different, and many of us have different things that trigger asthma attacks. So the important thing to know is what causes problems for you. The changes in weather do trigger asthma attacks for me. So you won't find me out playing in the snow after wearing shorts the day before!
It is spring now, but where you live may not have big changes in weather like we do. But if you do have big changes in weather, watch your asthma and keep your inhaler handy. Just in case...