Help paying for prescriptions

Do you ever cringe when you go to the pharmacy to pick up your asthma prescriptions?

The cost can add up fast. Last week, I spent over $200 getting a new Proventil inhaler, a refill of Singulair, Symbicort and a couple of other prescriptions. And Hubby is muttering under his breath, "so THAT'S where all of our money is going...."

That's in addition to a $150 monthly copay for Xolair  injections. And of course the $35 copay for the office visit that's required before he's allowed to get his injection.

The Utah Department of Health's Asthma Program has a great resource on their website, called Prescription Assistance Program for Patients with Asthma.   It sounds confusing, but it's just a list of every asthma medication that's available. It lists:
  • Prescription drug
  • Prescription assistance program
  • Contact information and website
  • Eligibility requirements
  • Cost

If you are one of the many that struggles to pay for your asthma medication (or your child's) then check out this list. In my family, I have asthma, as well as all three of my children. So having four of us on asthma and allergy medicine really adds up. In fact, I would really rather be putting that money towards a trip to Hawaii, but it's also nice to be able to breathe. So I guess I'll keep paying for all of the prescriptions.......

Check out the website and let me know what you think! It should help you save a little money!