Indulge in Vietnamese delight

Indulge in Vietnamese delight
Here are three restaurants in Hanoi to try.
Indulge in Vietnamese delight
Vietnamese food is glorious - a fact unknown to most Singaporeans who are hard-pressed to find truly good Vietnamese restaurants in this country. Here are three in Hanoi to check out:

Cha Ca La Vong
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14 Cha Cá, Hoan Kiem District
This is the nondescript sidewalk restaurant that makes one dish so well, it inspires chefs the world over to create their own versions. The Cha Ca La Vong restaurant - if you could call it a restaurant - has no menu.

It serves only the cha ca la vong, a grilled river fish dish that combines turmeric, dill, shrimp paste, nuts and fish sauce to deliver a tangy taste like no other.

You have to cook the dish yourself, then scoop up a few pieces of fish and, more importantly, the oil to mix with your pho (rice vermicelli) and fresh herbs. It is really the oil that give your dish its kick, so don't be surprised if the fish looks awfully little for the steep standard price of US$17 for two persons. A Singaporean tourist at the next table was loudly complaining about being overcharged.

But you're likely to have a culinary encounter you won't forget.

Tip: Go online to see how you have to cook it because the rude waitresses do not speak English.