Top 7 face-friendly foods
Seven foods for better skin.
Want super-looking, bright and healthy skin? Well, the good news is it’s not only what you put on your face or skin that’s the key to a great complexion – what you eat can have a great bearing on skin health too.
We’ve selected seven face-friendly foods to work into your daily menu that can lead to better skin and a more nutritious diet too.
BerriesBerries act as the perfect healthy skin pick ‘n’ mix as they provide the perfect combo of antioxidants and vitamins C and E in an easy pick-up package. Vitamin C is really face-friendly as it helps produce collagen, the facial framework tissue which keeps your complexion plump and smooth.
Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries are some of our favourites and easy as to get into your daily diet, but make sure they are eaten fresh and unheated; you’ll get the most antioxidants and vitamins that way.
WholegrainsWholegrains are a facial super food as they are fantastic for your digestion, and when your body is working to get rid of waste and toxins efficiently it shows on your skin. Go for brown or wholemeal pasta, rice and breads to get your wholegrains as well increase your intake of fibre. These foods not only boost digestion transit they are also great sources of iron and another skin-loving nutrient, vitamin B as well as helping you to feel full and satiated.
CucumberOkay, so you can slice off a couple of rounds and pop them on your eyes too, but the nutritional properties of cucumber make them a skin-friendly food to eat as well. Cucumber has high water content and staying hydrated has to be one of the golden rules when it comes to good nutrition for your skin. Boost your cucumber intake by including them as crudités, in salads and even in drinks – cucumber whizzed up with yoghurt, mint and a dash of milk makes a delicious Lassi.
SalmonOily fish is super skin-friendly as its rich in the essential lipids (fats) that the skin needs to be healthy. The fatty acid Omega 3 is your friend when it comes to maintaining a healthy and young-looking complexion as it maintains skin elasticity and works to keep cell membranes healthy. Other examples of oily fish include trout, mackerel, tuna, anchovies and sardines.
Dark leafy greensSpinach, kale, romaine lettuce, and swiss chard are all great examples of dark leafy greens that are fantastic for maintaining healthy skin. It’s all to do with their super levels of antioxidant, vitamins A, C, E and the mineral iron – which is essential for keeping your blood healthy and your skin bright. If you are not a great lover of greens you can always add them to a smoothie or sneak watercress, rocket or baby spinach into salads and sarnies to ensure you get your fill.
BeansIt’s the existence of isoflaves – potent antioxidants that make beans a fabulous face-friendly food. Antioxidants are great because they reduce the free radicals in your body (which cause aging) and make you look and feel great. And black beans, chickpeas, lentils and soybeans are good choices of beans/legumes to incorporate into your diet.
Extra virgin olive oilIntegral to the Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil can help nourish your skin from the inside out. High levels of the antioxidant vitamin E and source of the ‘good fats’ are what makes extra virgin olive oil so skin-beneficial. If you don’t already, try using it in place of your regular cooking oil and include a drizzle on salads, pasta and pizza.