Which foods have the strongest health benefits?

Wednesday, Jul 11, 2012
Philippine Daily Inquirer/Asia News Network
By Cory Quirino
Philippine Daily Inquirer/Asia News Network
By Cory Quirino
Going on a fish and vegetable diet is the best thing you can do to save your heart and improve your complexion.
Q: I am on a fish and vegetable diet. Which in particular have the strongest health benefits?
It's good you know that food can be your medicine-or your poison. Going on a fish and vegetable diet is the best thing you can do to save your heart and improve your complexion. That's because your regimen is rich in omega 3, vitamin C and vitamin E, among others.
Carotenes, found in the pigments of the foods you eat, such as lycopene (the red in tomatoes) and lutein (found in dark, leafy greens), offer high levels of nutrients helpful in the fight against cancer, as well as eye and skin problems.
Xanthrophylls contained in chili peppers, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, kale and green beans, boost the immune system.
Found in fish, Astaxanthin is more potent than vitamin E in supplement form.
Good for the heart, rich in omega 3 fatty acids and a good source of DMAE (which improves muscle tone and fine lines on the face), Alaskan salmon is considered King of Superfoods. Others that belong to this quantity food range are crabs, trout, shrimp and lobster. Note their colour, which gives us a clue to their antioxidant protection.
However, with all this talk about bottom-dwelling, junk-scavenging habits of crustaceans, some health advocates reject them altogether. That is, if you are militant about your health choices.