FDA approves generic singulair- yay!!!!!
I heard a clip about Singulair on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. Anytime I hear anything about allergies or asthma, my ears perk up.
This was good news indeed, I've been waiting for Singulair to go generic. With 3 kids taking Singulair year round, the cost really eats into our budget. When the kids first started on Singulair years ago, it was only $28 per month, now I am paying almost $50 a month (times 3!!!!!!!!!!) And then there's all of the other asthma medication they take.....
The story on the NBC Nightly News said that the FDA has approved 10 companies to market a generic form of Singulair. No news on when it will actually hit the market and be available for us to buy at the pharmacy. To read more on the story, click here.
That means I probably will have to ask Asthma Doc to re-write the kid's prescriptions so we can get the generic version. But, we're there once a week anyway getting allergy shots, so that shouldn't be a problem.
For all of you that have kids with multiple allergy and asthma medications, this should help your budget. Now if the co-pay for Advair wasn't so expensive.....