Adodder code or flu (another cold or flu)

It's that time of year again, cold and flu season. I have been VERY careful about avoiding germs, but a colleague came to work while she was sick and it is quickly spreading through the office. This is what I survived on yesterday. Not to mention watching a movie on Netflix. The kids were in school, and Hubby was at work, so I had a nice quiet house to recuperate in.

If you are sick, when should you stay home from work? According to the Centers for Disease Control:

How long should I stay home if I’m sick?

CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other things you have to do and no one else can do for you. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine, such as Tylenol®.) You should stay home from work, school, travel, shopping, social events, and public gatherings.
 If you want to read more about the Center's for Disease Control's article "The Flu: What to do if you get sick" click here.

Yes, we're all busy. And yes, we all have things to do. But you aren't doing anyone a favor by coming to work or school if you are sick. One thing that people don't understand is that when they have a cold or flu, that's all it is to them. For those of us with asthma, it can easily turn into pneumonia or bronchitis. That means a trip to the doctor, emergency department or even a hospitalization. My two youngest kids (now teenagers) have been in the hospital 12 times for their asthma and almost all of those were due to pneumonia. 

If you are sick, STAY HOME!!!!! I don't appreciate getting sick because then I have to take time off work. And stay home with cold washcloths on my forehead and Advil for the fever, plus breathing treatments and boxes of tissues.  I had to call and ask colleagues to take care of pressing obligations for me the day that I was out sick. But it can be done. Stay home, take care of yourself and DON'T go out in public and spread your misery.

There, I'm done ranting now. Thank you.