Natural ways to dispel those smells
There are lots of ways to clean and deodorise our rooms, cabinets, storerooms and bathrooms using natural, non-toxic substances.
There’s nothing more off-putting than the smell of mould, pets or last night’s ikan bilis sambal still lingering in the air. While many of us resort to room fresheners and deodorisers of all shapes and scents to ward off these smells, we do it unawares of the dangers these very products pose to our health.
Scientific studies have found that household cleaners often emit excessive levels of toxic pollutants, containing among other things ethylene-based glycol ethers that are hazardous. Equally dangerous is terpenes, a substance that reacts with ozone to produce other toxic substances.
So what should we do? As it turns out, there are lots of ways to clean and deodorise our rooms, cabinets, storerooms and bathrooms using natural, non-toxic substances.
Stinky plastic containers – Stuff the container with crumpled newspapers and cover. Change the newspapers every few days and soon your container will smell like brand new.
Cigarette smoke – Try putting half a cup of white vinegar in small containers around the house – it will neutralise the smell. Works just as well to de-smell your car – just leave some white vinegar in a saucer overnight. Baking soda is equally effective – just a little in the bottom of ashtrays or in small satchets in your car will help absorb the odour.
Smelly carpets & sofa – if your dog likes lounging on your sofa, here’s an effective way to dispel his smells. Take some baking soda and liberally sprinkle on your carpet or sofa. Leave for 15 minutes before vacuuming it up. Repeat if necessary.
Musty curtains – a great way to spruce up the fragrance of a room is by spraying some water mixed with a few drops of pure essential oils like vanilla, lavender or rose. Spray it on your curtains or cushion covers and let dry for a lovely lingering scent.
Dog urine – If your dog has accidentally pee-ed in your house, don’t fret. Place a wad of newspapers on the spot and let it sit for 30 minutes or until all the urine has been fully absorbed. Then mop with a solution of white vinegar in warm water.
Musty cupboards – A box of kitty litter will absorb all the unpleasant smells of a musty cupboard. More so if you use the kind that is deodorised with strawberry or apple scents.
Sour milk – so your baby has thrown up on your shoulder and your favourite blouse smells of sour milk. Just soak it in a solution of white vinegar and water for a few hours then wash as usual. Works like magic!
Garlic-smelling fingers – you’ve just chopped up a few cloves of garlic and its pungent smell is clinging to your fingers. Simply run your fingers gently along the blade of your stainless steel knife and the smell of garlic will instantly disappear.
Fishy smells – so your kitchen bears telltale smells of the fish you just prepared for dinner. To banish these smells, cut a lemon in half and boil it in a little water. The steam will disperse the aroma and neutralise the fishy smell.
Fishy fingers – the kitchen smells clean. Now let’s tackle your fingers. You can soak your fingers in water that contains freshly squeezed lemon or lime. Another option is to wash your hands in white vinegar then rinse it off with water.
Stale-smelling microwave ovens – get your microwave oven smelling fresh again by microwaving two cups of water with half a squeezed lemon on ‘high’ till it boils. Leave the solution inside for five minutes then wipe down the surfaces with an absorbent cloth. Leave the door ajar to totally air out the oven.
Stuffy fridge – a dish of baking soda works wonders in absorbing unwanted smells. So does some cotton balls soaked in vanilla or an open container of coffee powder left inside the fridge.
Stuffy freezers – remove all meat from the freezer and wipe down the surfaces with soap and warm water. Then mix a ¼ cup of baking soda to about a litre of water and wipe the surfaces again. After placing back all meats and frozen vegetables, remember to place a dish of baking soda in the freezer as well.