Give your Christmas tree a shower!
Many of my friends are pulling out their Christmas tree to set up and finding out the tree is really dusty. Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! It can be especially dusty if you store it in the garage or attic.
You can try putting the tree in your shower to clean it off before you set it up. DON'T try this if you have a "pre-lit" tree! Our tree is about 20 years old (before they had pre-lit trees), but it still looks fine once I fill in all the bare parts with decorations!
If you live in an area that has mild winters, you could probably just spray the tree off with the hose, then let it dry before you put it up in the house. We do the same when we put our tree in the shower, we just let it drip dry before we put it up in the living room.
It probably sounds like a lot to bother with, you may be wondering why we don't use a real tree. Well, Hubby and I and all three of our kids are allergic to trees. We're also allergic to flowers, bushes, grass, animals and some foods. Too bad we had to pass on our defective genes to our kids! But it could always be worse, right?
Many of you may have already put your tree up. If not, consider spraying it off outside if it's warm enough-only if your tree isn't flocked and isn't pre-lit.) Or give it a shower.
Happy Holidays!