I was amazed at the simplicity of this task. It only takes these 3 ingredients plus water.
Once all the ingredients are assembled - this is what it looks like.
I had saved a couple of containers from other laundry products to put my homemade soap in. It completely filled both containers and there is still a little bit more left in the bottom of the bucket. The recipe makes 2 gallons of laundry soap.
My mother-in-law was skeptical when I mentioned that I was going to make my own laundry soap. She had told me of a childhood friend who made her own out of lard and bacon grease! Ew! Is it just me or wouldn't that be like peeing in a fan? Anyhoo...this is nothing like that nastiness, at all. I didn't put any fragrance in it, but it still smells fresh and nice. Although, you can add essential oil to give it the scent of your choice if you so choose.
I thought this was going to be a daunting task. I was pleasantly surprised by how quick and easy it was to make. I didn't set a timer (I will next time.), but if I had to guess I would say that it was made and in the containers within 15-20 minutes. It's much quicker than baking a cake - and will last a lot longer, too!
I washed my first load with it yesterday and all seems well. I'll update on how well it is doing after I've used it for a while. We figured out that the 1/2 cup of detergent it takes to clean 1 load of laundry costs between 1 and 2 cents. Amazing! It was approximately $.75 to make 2 gallons of detergent! That is some economics I can live with.
If you would like to get complete instructions on making your own laundry soap or would like to see the financial breakdown of the costs just go to The Family Homestead .
Let me know if YOU decide to make your own laundry soap and how it works for you.
Have a great day!