Pooch Pics

Last week I wrote about my dogs but was unable to post pictures because my computer has had a mind of it's own lately. Well, thank God for Picassa. I found out by accident today that I can post pictures directly from there thanks to a new Blogger feature they have. Yay! So, here are the pictures I would have posted last week if I had been able to.

This first picture is Holly. You remember...the one that jumped out the car window? Notice the bandaged paw and stiches in her left lip (your right side, if you look closely).

Next is my dear, sweet, Layla. She is the best dog on the planet! I may be slightly prejudiced here, but not by much.

Layla is also a nail biter. I don't even have to clip her nails because she keeps them chewed down. Is that weird, or what? I've never heard of a dog biting their nails.

Well, there you have it - pictures of my pooches, both past and present.

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