Today we say Goodbye to a beloved Ferret named Bear

Our family is in great mourning for a beloved member of our little Fruscella clan : Bear Fruscella

We adopted bear fresh out of the "ferret mill" in October of 2004.
 He was a birthday gift for me from Jason. We went out with Bandit to check out local pet shops, which was a complete fail. Either the ferrets were to aggresive or Bandit just didn't like them, and we knew that when we saw the "one" that we would fall in love and "just know". Well on our way home, feeling completely disapointed. Something made us stop at just one more place, it was about 10 minuets before they were closing and when we walked in we immediatly saw this tiny scrony black as can be little ferret ( there were about 4 of them but Bear just stole our hearts). We asked if we could check him out, and ohmy gosh was it ever love at first sight. He was so tiny, and sweet. I remember looking at Jason and telling him he was the one. So Jason went outside to grab Bandit to see how she felt about him : SHE LOVED HIM.
It took a matter of 10 minuets after that and Bear was all ours.

We named him Bear because his paws were HUGE like Bear paws, much to big for his tiny body.

 Soon after he settled into his name and into our hearts, he became a little terror. He bit, attacked, lunged, and was just all around unpleasant. We couldn't believe how this sweet innocent little thing went from one extream to another in the matter of days.
  But, with discipline and a ton of love he grew into his paws and back into the sweet boy we met at the pet store.
  Bear filled our hearts and lives with so much joy. He was very welcoming to everyone and every animal we brought home. He stole the hearts of everyone that met him, and will be greatly missed. Bear passed away in his favorite sleeping basket with Jason and I in our room. He was laid to rest that morning but will remain in our hearts forever.