Bring on 2011


I am so glad to see 2010 END
 Although, we did have some good moments such as Lily turning one, Jason getting hired into Steris, and Jason and I FINALLY getting engaged.
But, as a whole it pretty much was a very trying and emotionally up and down type of year.
A real life learning experience if you will.
I said goodbye to my Grandmother, I watched my Grandfather suffer a long hard fight, and eventually pass away. I quit a good paying job for a unstable job, and to top the year off we had to say goodbye to Bear, one of our Fur-babies, a ferret whom was very close to all of our hearts, and Lilys best buddy.

So here is to a very happy healthy New Year. Full of success, education, and love.
I am so excited for 2011. My resolutions for the coming year are simple:
  1. Organize and Stick to a Family Budget
  2. Worry less and Pray More
  3. Go back to School
  4. Get a Better paying job
  5. Exercise everyday, start jogging again
  6. Potty train Lily
  7. Make everyday a learning and discovery experience for Lily
  8. Love more argue less
  9. Make my bed everyday
  10. Succesfully have our wedding planned and ready to go before June 3rd 2011 hahah
Happy New Years Everyone!