All You Ever Wanted to Know About Starting a Raw Food Diet!
If you have heard about a raw food diet but don't think that you can live on salads for the rest of your life, if you are confused about the raw food diet plan but want to learn more, then bookmark this site! You will find answers to you raw questions here.
Here is what you will find on this raw food site:
- Learn how to transition into eating "raw"
- Learn how a raw food cleanse can improve your overall health
- How a raw food diet will significantly help you to release weight
- Be inspired by testimonies of those who eat raw (If they can do it, so can you!)
- Learn a simple and easy way to reduce cravings, lose weight and improve your health in as little as 10 minutes a day (this works even if you never go totally raw)
- A raw diet is a superfood diet — learn about 10 specific superfoods
- Learn about water — bottled water versus tap water
- Learn about raw dairy for non-vegans
- Learn the benefits of juicing and enjoy some great, fresh vegetable juice recipes
- Learn about fermented foods, these are raw you know!
- Find raw, living food recipes
- Learn about dehydrating (not cooking) your food
- Enjoy healthy smoothies recipes (this delicious type of drink is raw and can be a meal)
- And much more!

My name is Mary Jane.
I have a degree in biology and a lifelong interest in natural healing and health. While creating a website about natural health supplements, I focused one part on food as a health supplement.
The word that kept coming up in my research was the tiny three-letter-word “raw.” I always knew that heat damaged fragile nutrients in foods, but I never gave much thought about going totally raw.
One day, my friend Connie told me about a lady she met whose doctor had put her on a 80% raw food diet. The lady confided to Connie how, because of this special diet, many serious and annoying health problems had totally went away. Connie marveled about how youthful this lady looked in addition to regaining superior health. Then Connie said to me, “But I could never eat salads all the time.”
If you are like Connie, curious about the health benefits of a raw food diet, yet you feel that you cannot “eat salads all the time,” then this site is for you.
If you are interested raw foods, I am here to help you.
You can start by signing up for my newsletter on the right, at the top of the third column.
More and more people, just like you, want all of the natural benefits not to mention the beautiful healthy glow that a raw food diet offers, but with the freedom of eating foods other than “salads.”
To your good health and raw eating pleasure,

P.S. Most of you don't realize what simple, good, live, raw food can do for you. The raw food diet is not hard after you get used to it. I am here to show you some trips and tips to help you get more and more raw into your diet so that you can be as raw as you would like for your own personal reasons. Don't wait, take the first steps to creating a healthy and raw future for you now.
In a world where health problems abound, alongside processed foods, it is time for you to make a difference in your life and for your health. You have made a huge step toward vibrant health by coming here. This site will show you that a raw diet may be the very best gift you give yourself.