The Superfoods Diet is Composed of Many Top Foods

The Superfoods Diet is Composed of Many Top Foods

Want a superfoods diet? Here is a list of several top foods that raw foodists and cooked foodies alike should consider and even adore.

Eating raw foods is really being on a superfoods diet! Here is a list of several top foods that are considered “superfoods,” and this is only a partial list. If your favorite superfood is not listed here, please don't get upset. Any fresh, organic, raw fruit or vegetable can truly be considered a superfood.superfoods dietAfter getting acquainted with the health benefits of these particular superfoods, perhaps you will refer to your raw diet lifestyle as being on a “superfoods diet.”

Follow the links to learn more about these particular superfoods and get superfood recipes— raw, of course.

A Partial List of Superfoods for a Superfoods Diet

ApplesThe tasty humble apple, which if you eat one a day is supposed to "keep the doctor away". May this trite saying has much truth. Decide for yourself when you learn about thehealth benefits of apples.

Asparagus- There are many asparagus health benefits, some of which you may find surprising. Although this is a favorite cooked vegetable, you can get health benefits from asparagus by either juicing or adding it to smoothies.

Avocados- This green gem is high in fat— good fat that is. Thecalories in an avocadoare nothing to fear and the nutrition is something to embrace.

Bananas-This popular fruit is shaped like a smile for a very good reason. Follow the link to learn some happy banana health factshere.

Beets-Thebenefits of beet juicecan't be beat! The crimson juice contained in dark red beets is a powerful detoxer and full of antioxidants ready to give you a super boost.

Carrots-These beautiful orange roots offer so many benefits that go far beyond helping your eyes. Learn more about thehealth benefits of carrotsand start enjoying all of their goodness.

Cashews- This sweet nut is so versatile and especially favored in the vegan raw diet. Thehealth benefits of cashewsis similar to many nuts and includes, among other benefits, weight loss.

Celery- If you ever wondered why God made celery, you may be surprised at the nutritionalnutritional value of celery. This stately vegetable contains much more than just a loud crunch!

Honey-Thebenefits of eating honeyare sweet and then some. Natural raw honey is a welcome addition to your raw diet while it offers benefits both for your face and general health.

Kale-kale nutrientsare many, making kale is the most nutrient-dense vegetable. This pretty leafy green is a member of the cabbage family and a favorite of raw foodists.

Parsley - This humble and pretty herb is far more than a garnish to be discarded. Learn about the many health benefits of parselyand start munching.

Sea Salt- What is the huge deal about sea salt? Learn aboutsea salt vs. table saltOne is actually good for you and offers health benefits, including lower blood pressure.

Tomatoes- Tomatoes are a wealth of good taste and nutritional goodness. Have you ever heard that cooked tomato products offer greater levels of antioxidants and therefore, are better for you? Follow the link to explore rawtomato nutrients.

Your superfoods diet only starts with the above list of superfoods.

These superfoods are common foods that you can easily buy, enjoy and eat. As you incorporate your version of the superfoods diet into your daily diet your body will welcome it and you will be on your way to enjoy super health and wellness.

Hopefully, this list will have you hungry for more health benefits and good taste offered by every fresh fruit and vegetable.