What is a Cavity?
A cavity is a hole in the tooth. It is the end result of a contagious disease caused by bacteria. If these bacteria are allowed to live on the teeth (inadequate brushing and flossing) and we feed these bacteria sugars (juice, sodas, sweet teas, sweet coffees, pastries, candies, etc.) the acids they "poop" from their metabolism will dissolve holes in the teeth.
A filling or crown cleans the hole and fills it to support the damaged tooth, but DOES NOTHING TO STOP THE DISEASE.
If home care and diet is not resisting and removing the bacteria, the disease continues and new holes develop. They destroy that expensive dental work, make holes in new areas, and eventually destroy the teeth.
Learn how to "see" those bacteria and teach yourself to be an effective tooth brusher (see "Finding Hidden Bacteria in Your Mouth" in these note files).
Scott Thompson,DDS