10 surprising things that age you
10 everyday things that make you look and feel older
While ageing is an inevitable part of life, how quickly or well you age depends on many different factors. Although there are some obvious causes of premature ageing, there are many seemingly harmless things that can also add on the years. Here are our top 10 surprising things that age you.
Surprising thing that ages you 1: Watching TV
While we all know that spending hours in front of the television is bad for your waistline, you may not know that it can also shorten your lifespan. Researchers from the University of Queensland found that for every hour you watch TV you may shorten your life by as much 22 minutes. Furthermore, research has suggested that watching TV could increase your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.Surprising thing that ages you 2: Drinking from bottles and through straws
You probably know that what you drink can affect your looks, but you may be surprised to hear that how you drink can also influence how well you age. In fact, sucking on straws and drinking out of sports bottles causes the same pursing action – and therefore the same fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth – as smoking. Try drinking directly from the glass whenever you can to help keep the wrinkles at bay.Surprising thing that ages you 3: Too little (or too much) exercise
The benefits of exercise are immeasurable for keeping you looking and feeling young. Not only does a lack of exercise shorten your life and increase risk of obesity and heart disease, but exercise can also keep your brain young by protecting against Alzheimer’s, boosting your mood and leaving you feeling alert and energised. Furthermore, increased blood flow to your skin can help keep your complexion clear, bright and youthful-looking. On the flipside, while we should all make an effort to stay active, too much exercise can cause stiffness in joints and increase risk of arthritis.Surprising thing that ages you 4: Central heating
Many of us spend a fortune on anti-ageing skin products, yet we may regularly accelerate skin ageing without even being aware of it. The central heating and air conditioning systems that many of us use at home and at work can severely dry out skin, leading to premature ageing and wrinkles. To help keep skin youthful and soft, try turning down the heating and wearing more layers to stay warm.Keeping a glass of water in the room can also increase humidity, while wearing a protective face cream can help relieve dryness.
Surprising thing that ages you 5: Sugar
Eating too much sugar is clearly bad news for your waistline; however sugar consumption is also up there with sun exposure and smoking when it comes to the major causes of wrinkles. When blood sugar levels are high, a process called glycation occurs which damages the collagen in your skin.Once damaged, the normally springy collagen hardens, leading to wrinkles and sagging.