Fire up your exercise

Fire up your exercise

| October 12, 2012
Foods that help you get more from your workouts.
We all know breakfast as the most important meal of the day. But what about foods that power up your workouts? Next to hydrating well, the right foods can help optimise your performance and up your energy levels.

Before the workout
Carbohydrates provide fuel for the muscles and prevent depletion of glycogen stores. Glycogen is the body’s energy source that helps you through your exercise. The best form of carbohydrates to choose is complex carbohydrates, such as wholegrains and fruits. Complex carbs, or unrefined carbs, will ensure your energy levels are sustained for much longer, as they require a longer time to digest.

Avoid sugar-ladenned foods such as soda and cereal high in sugar. You will feel a burst of energy initially, as these will spike your blood sugar level, but that will dissipate immediately, living you feeling fatigued instead.

Abstain also from having deep-fried foods as they are hard to digest and may cause a tummy upset during high-intensity exercise. And the best time to consume these foods? Four hours before working out. Alternatively, having a small snack one or two hours before your workout works well, too.

Pre-workout foods
Wholegrain cereals, yoghurt, fruit, whole-grain bagels, oatmeal.

After the workout
Choosing the right foods after a workout is just as important. Here is when you need to have your muscles recover. It is also when your metabolism is at its peak.

You should eat within 30 to 45 minutes after your exercise to restore glycogen levels and repair muscle tissue. Foods high in carbohydrates and protein are ideal in recovering and rebuilding muscles.

Post workout foods: Egg sandwich on wholemeal English muffin, peanut butter and jelly on wholegrain bread, yoghurt, raw nuts, wholegrain cereal with reduced-fat milk, wholemeal tosai or capati. And don’t forget to drink lots of fluids. Because dehydration slows down your metabolic rate by 2 percent , it can leave you feeling sluggish after.